International Journal of Neutrosophic Science

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Volume 25 , Issue 1 , PP: 329-337, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

A New Deneutrosophication Method Proposal for Use in Delphi Methods: Application in Ancestral Knowledge Analysis

Edwin Fabián Cerda Andino 1 * , Gabriela Beatriz Arias Palma 2 , Sanjar Mirzaliev 3

  • 1 Technical University of Cotopaxi, Ecuador - (
  • 2 Technical University of Cotopaxi, Ecuador - (
  • 3 Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan - (
  • Doi:

    Received: December 27, 2023 Revised: March 21, 2024 Accepted: June 30, 2024

    This study explores the rich cultural heritage of indigenous peoples and communities, whose traditions and adaptability have intrigued scholars interested in understanding their relevance in modern times. The Neutrosophic Delphi Method emerges as a vital tool in this research, offering a dynamic and versatile approach to address the inherent complexity of indigenous activities. By investigating the uncertainty and ambiguity in decision-making, this method enables a thorough examination of cultural practices. The interdisciplinary methodology employed focuses on the interaction between traditional and modern aspects, examining the main activities that define the daily lives of indigenous communities. The use of the Neutrosophic Delphi Method is highlighted for its ability to handle diverse perspectives and complex data, and the deneutrosophication process to improve precision and clarity in the findings. This technique ensures an accurate and harmonized representation of indigenous knowledge with modern scientific research. This effort seeks not only to enhance the academic legacy but also to foster international dialogue, promoting the recognition and appreciation of cultural diversity. By empowering indigenous populations to contribute to the generation of knowledge about their experiences, the study advocates for a more inclusive and equitable approach in scientific inquiry, acknowledging the invaluable contributions of indigenous communities to the cultural richness of our world.

    Keywords :

    Deneutrosophication , Delphi methods , local media , traditional media , linguistic terms , Neutrosophic Delphi


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    Cite This Article As :
    Fabián, Edwin. , Beatriz, Gabriela. , Mirzaliev, Sanjar. A New Deneutrosophication Method Proposal for Use in Delphi Methods: Application in Ancestral Knowledge Analysis. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, vol. , no. , 2025, pp. 329-337. DOI:
    Fabián, E. Beatriz, G. Mirzaliev, S. (2025). A New Deneutrosophication Method Proposal for Use in Delphi Methods: Application in Ancestral Knowledge Analysis. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, (), 329-337. DOI:
    Fabián, Edwin. Beatriz, Gabriela. Mirzaliev, Sanjar. A New Deneutrosophication Method Proposal for Use in Delphi Methods: Application in Ancestral Knowledge Analysis. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science , no. (2025): 329-337. DOI:
    Fabián, E. , Beatriz, G. , Mirzaliev, S. (2025) . A New Deneutrosophication Method Proposal for Use in Delphi Methods: Application in Ancestral Knowledge Analysis. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science , () , 329-337 . DOI:
    Fabián E. , Beatriz G. , Mirzaliev S. [2025]. A New Deneutrosophication Method Proposal for Use in Delphi Methods: Application in Ancestral Knowledge Analysis. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science. (): 329-337. DOI:
    Fabián, E. Beatriz, G. Mirzaliev, S. "A New Deneutrosophication Method Proposal for Use in Delphi Methods: Application in Ancestral Knowledge Analysis," International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, vol. , no. , pp. 329-337, 2025. DOI: