International Journal of Neutrosophic Science

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2690-6805ISSN (Online) 2692-6148ISSN (Print)

Volume 25 , Issue 1 , PP: 303-314, 2025 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Socioeconomic and environmental impacts of dehydrated whey protein extraction: an analysis using the neutrosophic PEST-SWOT approach.

Edwin Fabián Cerda Andino 1 * , Jaime Orlando Rojas Molina 2 , Nuria Danae Toapanta Naranjo 3 , Dina Mariel Yánez Sánchez 4

  • 1 Technical University of Cotopaxi, Ecuador - ( )
  • 2 Technical University of Cotopaxi, Ecuador - (
  • 3 Technical University of Cotopaxi, Ecuador. - (
  • 4 Technical University of Cotopaxi, Ecuador - (
  • Doi:

    Received: June 11, 2024 Revised: July 02, 2024 Accepted: August 03, 2024

    The extraction of dehydrated proteins from whey is not only a technological innovation in the field of biotechnology, but also a complex intersection of socioeconomic and environmental factors that deserve detailed evaluation. This article delves into the analysis using the neutrosophic PEST-SWOT approach, revealing how the political, economic, social, and technological dimensions interact with the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats of this emerging practice. The neutrosophic methodology allows us to unravel nuances that other approaches might overlook, highlighting both the potential benefits and the possible negative repercussions that may arise in different contexts. Whey, traditionally considered waste, is revalued by being transformed into a source of protein, which has profound implications for sustainability and the circular economy. However, neutrosophic analysis also exposes the complexities and ambiguities inherent to this activity. From an environmental perspective, whey extraction and processing pose significant challenges, such as energy consumption and waste generated, that must be carefully managed. In the socioeconomic sphere, the creation of new value chains can generate employment and foster innovation, but it can also destabilize existing markets and generate inequalities. Adopting a neutrosophic approach allows for a more holistic evaluation, recognizing the coexistence of multiple truths and the need for a balance between the various interests involved. Thus, this article invites deep reflection on the implications of technology, proposing an informed and multifaceted debate on its future development and application.

    Keywords :

    Proteins , Serum , SWOT Analysis , PEST Analysis , Neutrosophic Single Value Numbers , Neutrosophic PEST-SWOT Analysis.


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    Cite This Article As :
    Fabián, Edwin. , Orlando, Jaime. , Danae, Nuria. , Mariel, Dina. Socioeconomic and environmental impacts of dehydrated whey protein extraction: an analysis using the neutrosophic PEST-SWOT approach.. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, vol. , no. , 2025, pp. 303-314. DOI:
    Fabián, E. Orlando, J. Danae, N. Mariel, D. (2025). Socioeconomic and environmental impacts of dehydrated whey protein extraction: an analysis using the neutrosophic PEST-SWOT approach.. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, (), 303-314. DOI:
    Fabián, Edwin. Orlando, Jaime. Danae, Nuria. Mariel, Dina. Socioeconomic and environmental impacts of dehydrated whey protein extraction: an analysis using the neutrosophic PEST-SWOT approach.. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science , no. (2025): 303-314. DOI:
    Fabián, E. , Orlando, J. , Danae, N. , Mariel, D. (2025) . Socioeconomic and environmental impacts of dehydrated whey protein extraction: an analysis using the neutrosophic PEST-SWOT approach.. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science , () , 303-314 . DOI:
    Fabián E. , Orlando J. , Danae N. , Mariel D. [2025]. Socioeconomic and environmental impacts of dehydrated whey protein extraction: an analysis using the neutrosophic PEST-SWOT approach.. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science. (): 303-314. DOI:
    Fabián, E. Orlando, J. Danae, N. Mariel, D. "Socioeconomic and environmental impacts of dehydrated whey protein extraction: an analysis using the neutrosophic PEST-SWOT approach.," International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, vol. , no. , pp. 303-314, 2025. DOI: