Volume 24 , Issue 4 , PP: 82-92, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
María M. Morales Padilla 1 * , Cristian I. Cuchipe Chacha 2 , Vicente A. Guerrón Troya 3 , Kholmuminov Shayzak Rakhmatovich 4
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/IJNS.240406
Avocado oil is defined by the composition of the fruit and its nutritional value, which according to previous studies suggests that it provides health benefits, reduces cardiovascular disease, and provides anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. However, the nutritional value is determined by the amount of acid. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids make this product useful in cooking. The quality of the oil is affected by the method and conditions of extraction, as these processes affect the preservation of nutrients and beneficial properties of avocado oil. This study aimed to conduct a Neutrosophic analysis of avocado oil extraction conditions depending on the cultivar, dehydration and cold pressing conditions. As a result, the physicochemical properties of the reaction variables were determined and the values of acidity, moisture, density, and impurities were obtained for the oil obtained from the Hass variety by dehydration and pressing.
Neutrosophic logic , oil , dehydration , pressure , productivity.
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