Volume 23 , Issue 1 , PP: 299-310, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Hamiden Abd El- Wahed Khalifa 1 * , Faisal Al-Sharqi 2 , Ashraf Al-Quran 3 , Aziza Algarni 4 , Mamika Ujianita Romdhini 5 , Zahari Rodzi 6 , Abdalwali Lutfi 7
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/IJNS.230125
The goal of this research is to investigate fuzzy multiobjective dynamic programming issues with fuzzy parameters in the objective functions and single valued trapezoidal neutrosophic numbers in the left hand side of the constraints. Piecewise quadratic fuzzy numbers characterize these fuzzy parameters. In addition, applying the score function of the neutrosophic numbers to convert the constraints parameters into its crisp . Some basic notions in the problem under the pareto optimal solution concept is redefined and analyzed to study the stability of the problem. Furthermore, a technique is presented for obtaining a subset of the parametric space that has the same pareto optimal solution. For a better understanding and comprehension of the suggested concept, a numerical example is provided.
Optimization , Multiobjective dynamic programming , Fuzzy set , Piecewise quadratic fuzzy numbers , Close interval approximation , pareto optimal solution , Decision making , Stability , Neutrosophic numbers , Score function
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