Volume 22 , Issue 2 , PP: 15-28, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Sudeep Dey 1 * , Gautam Chandra Ray 2
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/IJNS.220202
In this article, we first establish a few relationships among neutrosophic interior, neutrosophic closure, neutrosophic pre-open sets, and neutrosophic pre-closed sets in single-valued neutrosophic topological spaces. Thereafter, we defined neutrosophic pre- space, neutrosophic pre- space, and neutrosophic pre- space based on single-valued neutrosophic topological spaces and studied a few properties and relationships among them. We try to establish some relationships between existing neutrosophic separation axioms and newly defined neutrosophic pre-separation axioms. Finally, we study some hereditary properties of pre-separation axioms. Apart from these, we also explore some results implementing neutrosophic pre-open function, neutrosophic pre-continuous function, neutrosophic pre-irresolute function and neutrosophic pre -function based on our defined definitions.
Neutrosophic subspace , Neutrosophic pre- space , Neutrosophic pre- space , Neutrosophic pre-   , space , Neutrosophic pre-open set , Neutrosophic pre-closed set , Neutrosophic pre-open function , Neutrosophic pre-continuous function , Neutrosophic pre-irresolute function , Neutrosophic pre -continuous function.   ,
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