Volume 21 , Issue 2 , PP: 204-215, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Nouran Ajabnoor 1 *
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/IJNS.210217
Leaders at hotels are keen to learn how to improve staff adherence to their newly implemented information security rules in the wake of a spate of events involving the compromise of sensitive customer data. In this research, we analyze the relationship between workers' compliance intentions and their perceptions of deterrence, and the leadership styles of their bosses. Gender, education, role, tenure based on ethical leadership, and information security policy compliance intention were some of the particular leadership aspects connected to the information security policy that were evaluated in our research. The overall relevance of the standards may be calculated using the average method, which is used in decision-making. The suggested novel version of the MULTIMOORA (Multi-objective Optimization by Ratio Analysis Plus Full Multiplicative Form) approach uses a single-valued neutrosophic set to handle directly with the uncertainty of the starting point. Developing a decision-support system that takes into account the new conceptual composite framework we offer for selecting criteria, alternatives, and other aspects of leadership and information security policy in hotels is a feasible next step.
MULTIMOORA Method , Neutrosophic Set , Leadership , Information Security Policy , Hotel Industry  ,
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