Volume 19 , Issue 1 , PP: 217-230, 2022 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Mohd A. Wajid 1 * , Aasim Zafar 2
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/IJNS.190117
Information explosion in this era has led to the proliferation of digital data in form of images, text, video, and audio. Uncertainty is a major issue in information access and retrieval models, and incomplete information needs to be treated in information systems because imprecision indicates the existence of a value that cannot be measured. There is no denial of the fact that uncertainty puts a hindrance in obtaining information in real-time systems, and as per knowledge rarely does any study of information retrieval using image segmentation treat imprecise and inconsistent information inherited in information systems. This work proposes to transform images in the neutrosophic domain for the treatment of uncertainty that persists in information recovery. Later, the image is segmented using the neutrosophic segmentation algorithm and its results are compared with the Modified Fuzzy c-Means segmentation algorithm, which is the earlier used segmentation algorithm in information systems. The experiment is conducted on a variety of multimodal images from the Berkeley Segmentation Dataset and Benchmark, showing the effectiveness of the proposed method for information systems. The proposed image segmentation using neutrosophy seems to yield a smaller error of 0.011, but the error obtained using the fuzzy c-means (MFCM) method is 0.13, which is larger than the proposed approach. The work also demonstrates how well neutrosophic segmentation can segment images having different noise levels as well as clean images. The results show that the proposed algorithm yields the most accurate segmented image for feature extraction which can be utilized while designing effective information systems.
Image Processing , Image Segmentation , Soft Computing , Fuzzy Logic , Uncertainty , Neutrosophic Logic , Neutrosophic Sets , Multimodal Information Systems.
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