Volume 18 , Issue 3 , PP: 104-110, 2022 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
M. Mullai 1 , S. Broumi 2 , P.K.Santhi 3
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/IJNS.180309
In this paper, the concept of inverse domination in neutrosophic graph is established. The definition of inverse domination number, inverse dominating set, inverse split and non split dominating sets in neutrosophic graph are developed with suitable examples here. Also, the theorems in inverse domination in neutrosophic graph and the bound on inverse domination number in neutrosophic graph are derived.
Neutrosophic Graph, Inverse Dominating Set, Inverse Dominating Number, Neutrosophic Path, Minimum Dominating Set
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