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Volume 9 , Issue 1 , PP: 47-56, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Does Bangalore Rural People Aware of Financial Literacy? An Exploratory Study

Mohammad Irfan 1 * , Kathari Santosh 2

  • 1 Department of MBA, CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India - (
  • 2 Department of MBA, CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India - (
  • Doi:

    Received: September 15, 2022 Accepted: January 17, 2023

    This project aims to understand the level of financial literacy among the rural respondents from five adopted villages by CMRIT. It also focuses on the socio-economic factors of the respondents including age, gender, level of education, work experience, marital status, number of children and sector of work and level of income from five adopted villages. This project is basically dependent on the primary data and the study in descriptive in nature. The convenient sampling method was adopted and the 500 sample were collected from five villages using a survey method. For analysing the sample data, percentage analysis, cross tabulation, correlation analysis and regression analysis was applied. It found that majority of the respondents are aware about financial literacy and financial product and majority of the respondents have bank account also. All the respondents are aware about financial products and investment avenues to invest for their savings. Based on the analysis, most of the respondents are availed loans from the Govt promoted schemes and participating in the other schemes.

    Keywords :

    Financial Literacy , Banks: Borrowings , Financial Awareness , Savings and Investments.


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    Cite This Article As :
    Irfan, Mohammad. , Santosh, Kathari. Does Bangalore Rural People Aware of Financial Literacy? An Exploratory Study. American Journal of Business and Operations Research, vol. , no. , 2023, pp. 47-56. DOI:
    Irfan, M. Santosh, K. (2023). Does Bangalore Rural People Aware of Financial Literacy? An Exploratory Study. American Journal of Business and Operations Research, (), 47-56. DOI:
    Irfan, Mohammad. Santosh, Kathari. Does Bangalore Rural People Aware of Financial Literacy? An Exploratory Study. American Journal of Business and Operations Research , no. (2023): 47-56. DOI:
    Irfan, M. , Santosh, K. (2023) . Does Bangalore Rural People Aware of Financial Literacy? An Exploratory Study. American Journal of Business and Operations Research , () , 47-56 . DOI:
    Irfan M. , Santosh K. [2023]. Does Bangalore Rural People Aware of Financial Literacy? An Exploratory Study. American Journal of Business and Operations Research. (): 47-56. DOI:
    Irfan, M. Santosh, K. "Does Bangalore Rural People Aware of Financial Literacy? An Exploratory Study," American Journal of Business and Operations Research, vol. , no. , pp. 47-56, 2023. DOI: