American Journal of Business and Operations Research

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Volume 2 , Issue 1 , PP: 5-23, 2021 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

The Effect of Big Five Factors of Personality on Compulsive Buying: The Mediating Role of Consumer Negative Emotions

Mohamed Shemeis 1 * , Talaat Asad 2 , Samaa Attia 3

  • 1 PhD researcher, Assistant Lecturer at Raya High Institute for Management and Foreign Trade, New Damietta, Egypt - (
  • 2 Professor of Marketing, Faculty of Commerce, Mansoura University, Egypt - (
  • 3 Professor of Marketing, Head of Business Administration Department and Vice-Dean of Post Graduate Studies and Research, Faculty of Commerce, Suez University, Egypt - (
  • Doi:

    Received May 20, 2020 Revised November 22, 2020 Accepted January 03, 2021

         This study has examined the direct effect of Big Five Factors of personality (BFF) which include (Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Extraversion, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience) on Compulsive Buying (CB). Besides, examining the mediating effect of Consumer Negative Emotions (CNE) in the relationship between Big Five Factors of personality (BFF) and Compulsive Buying (CB). The questionnaire for the study was adapted from earlier established scales and measures which were based on five points Likert Scale. The study was concentrated on shopping malls’ customers in North Delta (Egypt). The study used a sample size of 384 and data was collected randomly using systematic random sampling. 314 questionnaires were valid for statistical analysis and free of missing data were retrieved with a response rate of 81.7%. Smart PLS-SEM3 software was used for data analysis. The results showed that there is a significant positive effect of Neuroticism on compulsive buying. While the results indicated that Extraversion has a significant negative effect on compulsive buying. Also, the results found that Conscientiousness has a significant negative effect on compulsive buying. While Agreeableness and Openness to Experience hadn’t had any effect on compulsive buying. As for the mediating effect of Consumer Negative Emotions, the results mentioned that Consumer Negative Emotions has a partial mediation in the relationship between Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Conscientiousness, and Compulsive Buying. While Consumer Negative Emotions fully mediated the relationship between Openness to Experience and Compulsive Buying. But there was no mediation for Consumer Negative Emotions in the relationship between Agreeableness and Compulsive Buying.

    Keywords :

    Big Five Factors of personality (BFF) , Compulsive Buying (CB) , Consumer Negative Emotions (CNE).


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    Cite This Article As :
    Shemeis, Mohamed. , Asad, Talaat. , Attia, Samaa. The Effect of Big Five Factors of Personality on Compulsive Buying: The Mediating Role of Consumer Negative Emotions. American Journal of Business and Operations Research, vol. , no. , 2021, pp. 5-23. DOI:
    Shemeis, M. Asad, T. Attia, S. (2021). The Effect of Big Five Factors of Personality on Compulsive Buying: The Mediating Role of Consumer Negative Emotions. American Journal of Business and Operations Research, (), 5-23. DOI:
    Shemeis, Mohamed. Asad, Talaat. Attia, Samaa. The Effect of Big Five Factors of Personality on Compulsive Buying: The Mediating Role of Consumer Negative Emotions. American Journal of Business and Operations Research , no. (2021): 5-23. DOI:
    Shemeis, M. , Asad, T. , Attia, S. (2021) . The Effect of Big Five Factors of Personality on Compulsive Buying: The Mediating Role of Consumer Negative Emotions. American Journal of Business and Operations Research , () , 5-23 . DOI:
    Shemeis M. , Asad T. , Attia S. [2021]. The Effect of Big Five Factors of Personality on Compulsive Buying: The Mediating Role of Consumer Negative Emotions. American Journal of Business and Operations Research. (): 5-23. DOI:
    Shemeis, M. Asad, T. Attia, S. "The Effect of Big Five Factors of Personality on Compulsive Buying: The Mediating Role of Consumer Negative Emotions," American Journal of Business and Operations Research, vol. , no. , pp. 5-23, 2021. DOI: