Volume 3 , Issue 1 , PP: 39-47, 2021 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Kopal Sharma 1 * , Vidhi Kapoor 2 , Kartikay Laddha 3
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/AJBOR.030101
The word ‘Ethics’ carries a very sensitive structure which affects even the smallest factor in a situation and also it carries a huge sum of responsibility. It is an entity which could stir a situation in a person’s or company’s favour or not and it also holds an adverse effect in general. Ethical conduct is absolutely vital. Regular reforms to the code of ethics may combat the unethical behaviour in the industry but that alone is not sufficient. Individuals and firms must develop a particular code of conduct and abide by them and it should be applicable to all levels of their operations. This will help individuals and firms to promote the principles of stewardship of investor assets and work towards the betterment of clients. For the Financial Industry, Ethics is not only the pillar of trust but also it is the ladder to success. Through the careful literature survey, it lists some of the discussions of important ethics in the Financial and Business sector.
Ethics , Financial Industry , Business , Ethics in Finance , Investment Industry , Code of Conduct
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