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American Journal of Business and Operations Research
Volume 9 , Issue 2, PP: 31-40 , 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html |PDF


A Development of Human Capital in the Context of Health and Safety Management in Construction

  Gulnora Abdurakhmanova 1 * ,   Dildor Shadibekova 2 ,   Dilmurod Khojamkulov 3 ,   Ali Zurapov 4

1  Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan

2  Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan

3  Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan

4  Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan

Doi   :   https://doi.org/10.54216/AJBOR.090204

Received: September 16, 2022 Accepted: January 15, 2023

Abstract :

In construction industry Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) involves the development and implementation of measures to ensure the socio-economic efficiency of enterprises. By creating a safe work culture and environment for workers OHS is considered to raise human dignity in workplaces. As human capital develops to a high level it combines legal, social-economic, organizational-technical, sanitary-hygiene, and treatment-prophylaxis at workplaces. Current research states the human capital development approach from three aspects: health (state of health, occupational health, sanitation, and hygiene); knowledge (education, like-mindedness, mentoring, training), and professional skills (esteem, skills, skills, professional development) from the digitalization prospectives. The econometric methods involved are Latent Class Analysis for accounting the cross-sectional relationship and post estimation concerns in the data. The results denote the hypothesis were proven OHS investment has a positive effect on work personality in the construction industry and Organizational performance has a positive effect at work_experience and flexibility of the workers in the construction industry. Besides, another finding in this study shows that work effectiveness has a positive effect on OHS_investment and flexibility in the construction industry. Therefore, these findings necessitate the human capital in the context of health and safety management in construction industry. More importantly, human capital development should be prioritized for transforming the curse of the natural resources into blessing for these nations. Therefore, we recommend that the researcher and policymakers should promote human capital development regulation in construction sector from the digitaliztion prospective.

Keywords :

human capital; safety management; construction sector; sustainable economic growth.

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MLA Gulnora Abdurakhmanova, Dildor Shadibekova, Dilmurod Khojamkulov, Ali Zurapov. "A Development of Human Capital in the Context of Health and Safety Management in Construction." American Journal of Business and Operations Research, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2023 ,PP. 31-40 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/AJBOR.090204)
APA Gulnora Abdurakhmanova, Dildor Shadibekova, Dilmurod Khojamkulov, Ali Zurapov. (2023). A Development of Human Capital in the Context of Health and Safety Management in Construction. Journal of American Journal of Business and Operations Research, 9 ( 2 ), 31-40 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/AJBOR.090204)
Chicago Gulnora Abdurakhmanova, Dildor Shadibekova, Dilmurod Khojamkulov, Ali Zurapov. "A Development of Human Capital in the Context of Health and Safety Management in Construction." Journal of American Journal of Business and Operations Research, 9 no. 2 (2023): 31-40 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/AJBOR.090204)
Harvard Gulnora Abdurakhmanova, Dildor Shadibekova, Dilmurod Khojamkulov, Ali Zurapov. (2023). A Development of Human Capital in the Context of Health and Safety Management in Construction. Journal of American Journal of Business and Operations Research, 9 ( 2 ), 31-40 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/AJBOR.090204)
Vancouver Gulnora Abdurakhmanova, Dildor Shadibekova, Dilmurod Khojamkulov, Ali Zurapov. A Development of Human Capital in the Context of Health and Safety Management in Construction. Journal of American Journal of Business and Operations Research, (2023); 9 ( 2 ): 31-40 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/AJBOR.090204)
IEEE Gulnora Abdurakhmanova, Dildor Shadibekova, Dilmurod Khojamkulov, Ali Zurapov, A Development of Human Capital in the Context of Health and Safety Management in Construction, Journal of American Journal of Business and Operations Research, Vol. 9 , No. 2 , (2023) : 31-40 (Doi   :  https://doi.org/10.54216/AJBOR.090204)