Prospects for Applied Mathematics and Data Analysis

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2836-4449ISSN (Online)
ISSN (Online)



Maissam Jdid - Syria.

Ph.D. In Mathematical Modelling / Numerical Methods and Program Complexes, Faculty Of Mathematics, Russia

Current Position:

- Faculty member at Damascus University Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics

- Lecturer at Al Sham Private University, Faculty of Informatics Engineering ASPU.

- Lecturer at Antioch Syrian Private University, Faculty of Civil Engineering.


Email: jdidmaisam@gmail.com



Journal DOI

Contact Information

Managing Editor

Florentin Smarandache, PhD, PostDocs
Emeritus ProfessorUniversity of New MexicoMathematics, Physics, and Natural Science Division
705 Gurley Ave., Gallup, NM 87301, USA



Prospects for Applied Mathematics and Data Analysis (PAMDA) is a journal published by ASPG and aims to provide a platform for the researchers who are interested in Mathematics and data science to exchange ideas, publish their recent findings, and contribute to the scientific community. Applied mathematics involves applying mathematics and mathematics axioms to problems that arise in various fields, for example in economics, management sciences, physical, biological, medical, engineering, and other diverse fields, or developing new or improved ways to meet the challenges of new problems. Applied mathematics research requires a deep understanding of mathematics and knowledge of Wide range of other specialties. Deep knowledge of information engineering subjects helps to get solutions to problems very quickly and with high accuracy.

Journal Scope:

1.     Applied Mathematics

2.     Informatics Engineering


List of points covered:

1.     Linear Algebra

2.      Mathematical analysis

3.     Numerical analysis

4.     Possibilities

5.     Statistics

6.     Theory of statement

7.     Operations Research

8.     Mathematical Modeling

9.     Modeling and simulation

10.  Computing Theory

11.  Analyzing Algorithms

12.  Artificial intelligence

13.  Machine Learning

14.  Design of logic circuits

15.  Software Science

16.  Information systems management science

17. Fuzzy Logic

18. Neutrosophic sets and logic


Associate Editors:


Said Broumi - Morocco

Ph.D.  in Computer Science from University of Hassan II of Casablanca, Morocco 

Regional Center for the Professions of Education and Training, Casablanca

Member at Laboratory of Information Processing, Faculty of Science Ben M’Sik, University

Khalifa Zayid Khalifa Al Shaqsi - Oman

Ph.D. School of Mathematical Sciences,UKM, Bangi, Malaysia .

University of Technology and Applied Sciences,

Lecturer in the Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, CAS, 

University of Nizwa

Afaf Al Shalaby – Syria

Ph.D. in Informatics Engineering, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (HIAST), 

Informatics Engineering at HIAST 

Lecturer at Al Sham Private University, Faculty of Informatics Engineering ASPU

Lecturer at Antioch Syrian Private University, Faculty of Informatics Engineering

Shawki Mohamad AL Rashed– Syria

Ph.D. degree in Mathematics (Specialization: Algebra- Algebraic Geometry), 

Kaiserslautern University of the Technology – Germany.

Faculty member at Damascus University Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics

Khalil Hasan YAHYA - – Syria

PhD. in Mathematical Sciences, specialty Mathematical Analysis,  University of  Baku, Soviet Union

Faculty member at Damascus University Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics

Mohammed Hayyan ALSIBAI – Syria

Ph.D. in Computer Science Engineering (Artificial intelligence), Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, Tsukuba University, Japan.

Faculty of Engineering and Technology, International University for Science and Technology (IUST)

Mohammad Jdeed - Syria

Ph.D. Analysis System, Simulation and Processing of information and control- Russia - Tver State University -Russian Academic Center for Statistical Sciences

  International University for Science and Technology (IUST )

Basel Hasan Shahin – Syria

Ph.D.  systems analysis, management and information processing, Peoples Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

    Yarmouk Private University

Ahmad Khadour – Syria

Ph.D.  Electronic Calculators, University of Plzen - Czech 

Member of the faculty of Damascus University, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Lecturer at Al Sham Private University, Faculty of Informatics Engineering ASPU

Lecturer at Antioch Syrian Private University, Faculty of Informatics Engineering

Ousama Asaad Bahbouh – Syria

Ph.D.  Control system, Artificial intelligence, Damascus University

Damascus University, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Lecturer at Al Sham Private University, Faculty of Informatics Engineering ASPU