International Journal of Private Law and International Arbitration

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2836-5216ISSN (Online)

Prof. Adnan Sarhan

Professor of civil law

Ex-Assistant chancellor for branch affairs

Ex-Dean of college of law 

University of sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Eldabousi

Associate Professor of Commercial and Maritime Law, American University in the Emirates, United Arab Emirates

ISSN (Online)



Quarterly (January, April, July, October

Accepted papers will be published online directly 

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IJPLIA is a specialized peer-reviewed journal published in English that specializes in publishing research in the field of law of all its branches (commercial law, business law, civil law, Islamic law), in addition to publishing research in the field of international arbitration, which contributes to the settlement of international trade disputes.

The International Journal of Private Law and International Arbitration publishes papers on modern laws, issues, administrative decisions, and other doctrinal developments related to the areas of private law and international arbitration. The journal coveres the following topics:


 List of topics:

1-    Commercial law.

2-    Corporate Law.

3-    Banking operations.

4-     Maritime law.

5-    Space law.

6-    Electronic laws.

7-    Islamic financial transactions.

8-     Commercial arbitration.

9-    Contracts.

10  - Labor law.

11-Civil law 

12 - Arbitration

1-    Professor Hussein Al-Mahay, Dean of the College of Legal Studies in English, Mansoura Community UniversityProfessor of Commercial and Maritime Law. (Egypt)

2-    Professor Reza Obeid, Professor of Commercial and Maritime Law, Dean of the College of Law, University of Beni Suef. (Egypt)

3-    Professor Mohammed Suleiman al-Ahmad, Professor of Private Law, Sulaymaniyah University. (Iraq)

4-    Professor Amer Fakhoury, Dean of the College of Law, American University of the UAE. (Jordan)

5-    Professor Inas Al Khalidi, Professor of Commercial Law and Arbitration - American University college of Law in the UAE.( Jordan)

6-    Professor Abdul Fadil Taha, Professor of Commercial and Maritime Law, College of Law , Kuwait University. (Egypt)

7-    Professor Khalil Victor, Professor of Commercial and Maritime Law, College of Law , Cairo University. (Egypt)

8-    Dr. Mustafa Al-Bandari, Professor of Commercial and Maritime Law, College of Law, Mansoura University, Legal Advisor, Former Governor of Dubai. (United Arab Emirates)

9-    Dr. Ahmed Al-Warfalli, a former judge and former legal adviser to the Tunisian presidency. ) Tunisia (

10-  Dr. Mohammed Al Jasser, Professor of Commercial Law and Arbitration, King Khalid University, (Saudi Arabia)

11- Dr. Hussam al-Din Mahmoud Hassan, Professor of Civil Law and Head of the Department of Private Law , Mansoura University. (EGYPT)

12- Dr. Maher Al Banna, Professor of Public International Law, College of Law , American University of the UAE. (Sudan)