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Volume 9 , Issue 1 , PP: 08-16, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Limitation of the Distance Between the Group of Wells and Its Effect on the Total Debit

Abror N. Gadaev 1 * , Dilnora U. Ganieva 2 , Nemat Halilov 3 , Gulmera S. Boboeva 4 , Jamshid S. Tukhtabaev 5

  • 1 Samarkand State Architecture and Construction Institute, Uzbekistan - (
  • 2 Samarkand State Architecture and Construction Institute, Uzbekistan - (
  • 3 Samarkand State Architecture and Construction Institute, Uzbekistan - (
  • 4 Samarkand State Architecture and Construction Institute, Uzbekistan - (
  • 5 Samarkand State Architecture and Construction Institute, Uzbekistan - (
  • Doi:

    Received: May 10, 2022 Accepted: January 10, 2023

    Today, due to several positive indicators of underground water, it is being used in the water supply system. Groundwater wells and their efficient operation ensure the reliability and stability of the entire water supply system. When using wells, their operation individually or in groups causes different calculations, and the justification of this order is a very important factor. The following article is devoted to the calculation of a group of wells and their interaction indicators. The analysis of the problem and the research on its solution shows that the situation is different in wells working individually and in groups. If the decrease in flow rate of individual wells depends only on its indicators, this situation becomes more complicated in a group of wells, that is, they interact depending on their number and location. When calculating water intake structures consisting of a large number of wells, groups of wells interacting with each other are often used by the method called generalized systems. First, let's talk about the impact radius of the well and what factors it depends on.

    Keywords :

    water wells , influence radius , debit , scattering area , well order , rectangular area , circular area , without scattering in the circular area.


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    Cite This Article As :
    N., Abror. , U., Dilnora. , Halilov, Nemat. , S., Gulmera. , S., Jamshid. Limitation of the Distance Between the Group of Wells and Its Effect on the Total Debit. American Journal of Business and Operations Research, vol. , no. , 2023, pp. 08-16. DOI:
    N., A. U., D. Halilov, N. S., G. S., J. (2023). Limitation of the Distance Between the Group of Wells and Its Effect on the Total Debit. American Journal of Business and Operations Research, (), 08-16. DOI:
    N., Abror. U., Dilnora. Halilov, Nemat. S., Gulmera. S., Jamshid. Limitation of the Distance Between the Group of Wells and Its Effect on the Total Debit. American Journal of Business and Operations Research , no. (2023): 08-16. DOI:
    N., A. , U., D. , Halilov, N. , S., G. , S., J. (2023) . Limitation of the Distance Between the Group of Wells and Its Effect on the Total Debit. American Journal of Business and Operations Research , () , 08-16 . DOI:
    N. A. , U. D. , Halilov N. , S. G. , S. J. [2023]. Limitation of the Distance Between the Group of Wells and Its Effect on the Total Debit. American Journal of Business and Operations Research. (): 08-16. DOI:
    N., A. U., D. Halilov, N. S., G. S., J. "Limitation of the Distance Between the Group of Wells and Its Effect on the Total Debit," American Journal of Business and Operations Research, vol. , no. , pp. 08-16, 2023. DOI: