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Volume 2 , Issue 2 , PP: 34-40, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Beyond Negation and Excluded Middle: An exploration to Embrace the Otherness Beyond Classical Logic System and into Neutrosophic Logic

Florentin Smarandache 1 * , Victor Christianto 2

  • 1 University of New Mexico, Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences Division 705 Gurley Ave., Gallup, NM 87301, USA - (
  • 2 Malang Institute of Agriculture, East Java, Indonesia - (
  • Doi:

    Received: April 07, 2023 Accepted: October 28, 2023

    As part of our small contribution in dialogue toward better peace development and reconciliation studies, and following Toffler & Toffler’s War and Antiwar (1993), the present article delves into a realm of logic beyond the traditional confines of negation and the excluded middle principle, exploring the nuances of "Otherness" that transcend classical and Nagatomo logics. Departing from the foundational premises of classical Aristotelian logic systems, this exploration ventures into alternative realms of reasoning, specifically examining Neutrosophic Logic and Klein bottle logic (cf. Smarandache, 2005). The study challenges conventional boundaries and explores the implications of embracing paradoxes and self-reference in logic systems, aiming to redefine approaches to understanding truth and reasoning. The paper investigates how these alternative logics open avenues for philosophical inquiry, redefining entropy, and potentially influencing innovative perspectives in free energy systems. Through this exploration, it seeks to expand the discourse on logic, welcoming a broader spectrum of thought beyond established frameworks; and we also discuss shortly a number of possible implementations including in risk management and also Klein bottle entropy redefinition (Tang et al, 2018).

    Keywords :

      , Classical logic system , Nagatomo Logic , Lukasiewicz , Fuzzy logic , Klein bottle , Neutrosophic Logic


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    Cite This Article As :
    Smarandache, Florentin. , Christianto, Victor. Beyond Negation and Excluded Middle: An exploration to Embrace the Otherness Beyond Classical Logic System and into Neutrosophic Logic. Prospects for Applied Mathematics and Data Analysis, vol. , no. , 2023, pp. 34-40. DOI:
    Smarandache, F. Christianto, V. (2023). Beyond Negation and Excluded Middle: An exploration to Embrace the Otherness Beyond Classical Logic System and into Neutrosophic Logic. Prospects for Applied Mathematics and Data Analysis, (), 34-40. DOI:
    Smarandache, Florentin. Christianto, Victor. Beyond Negation and Excluded Middle: An exploration to Embrace the Otherness Beyond Classical Logic System and into Neutrosophic Logic. Prospects for Applied Mathematics and Data Analysis , no. (2023): 34-40. DOI:
    Smarandache, F. , Christianto, V. (2023) . Beyond Negation and Excluded Middle: An exploration to Embrace the Otherness Beyond Classical Logic System and into Neutrosophic Logic. Prospects for Applied Mathematics and Data Analysis , () , 34-40 . DOI:
    Smarandache F. , Christianto V. [2023]. Beyond Negation and Excluded Middle: An exploration to Embrace the Otherness Beyond Classical Logic System and into Neutrosophic Logic. Prospects for Applied Mathematics and Data Analysis. (): 34-40. DOI:
    Smarandache, F. Christianto, V. "Beyond Negation and Excluded Middle: An exploration to Embrace the Otherness Beyond Classical Logic System and into Neutrosophic Logic," Prospects for Applied Mathematics and Data Analysis, vol. , no. , pp. 34-40, 2023. DOI: