International Journal of Neutrosophic Science

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Volume 10 , Issue 2 , PP: 96-104, 2020 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

A Review of Fuzzy Soft Topological Spaces, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Topological Spaces and Neutrosophic Soft Topological Spaces

M. Parimala 1 , M.Karthika 2 , F. Smarandache 3

  • 1 Department of Mathematics, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, TN, India-638 401. - (
  • 2 Department of Mathematics, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, TN, India-638 401. - (
  • 3 University of New Mexico, Gallup, NM 87301, USA - (
  • Doi:

    Received: April 29, 2020 Accepted: August 14, 2020


    The notion of fuzzy sets initiated to overcome the uncertainty of an object. Fuzzy topological space, in- tuitionistic fuzzy sets in topological structure space, vagueness in topological structure space, rough sets in topological space, theory of hesitancy and neutrosophic topological space, etc. are the extension of fuzzy sets. Soft set is a family of parameters which is also a set. Fuzzy soft topological space, intuitionistic fuzzy soft and neutrosophic soft topological space are obtained by incorporating soft sets with various topological structures. This motivates to write a review and study on various soft set concepts. This paper shows the detailed review of soft topological spaces in various sets like fuzzy, Intuitionistic fuzzy set and neutrosophy. Eventually, we compared some of the existing tools in the literature for easy understanding and exhibited their advantages and limitations.


    Keywords :

    Soft sets, fuzzy soft topological space, intuitionistic fuzzy soft topological space, neutrosophic soft topological space.



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    Cite This Article As :
    Parimala, M.. , , M.Karthika. , Smarandache, F.. A Review of Fuzzy Soft Topological Spaces, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Topological Spaces and Neutrosophic Soft Topological Spaces. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, vol. , no. , 2020, pp. 96-104. DOI:
    Parimala, M. , M. Smarandache, F. (2020). A Review of Fuzzy Soft Topological Spaces, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Topological Spaces and Neutrosophic Soft Topological Spaces. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, (), 96-104. DOI:
    Parimala, M.. , M.Karthika. Smarandache, F.. A Review of Fuzzy Soft Topological Spaces, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Topological Spaces and Neutrosophic Soft Topological Spaces. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science , no. (2020): 96-104. DOI:
    Parimala, M. , , M. , Smarandache, F. (2020) . A Review of Fuzzy Soft Topological Spaces, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Topological Spaces and Neutrosophic Soft Topological Spaces. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science , () , 96-104 . DOI:
    Parimala M. , M. , Smarandache F. [2020]. A Review of Fuzzy Soft Topological Spaces, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Topological Spaces and Neutrosophic Soft Topological Spaces. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science. (): 96-104. DOI:
    Parimala, M. , M. Smarandache, F. "A Review of Fuzzy Soft Topological Spaces, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Topological Spaces and Neutrosophic Soft Topological Spaces," International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, vol. , no. , pp. 96-104, 2020. DOI: