International Journal of Neutrosophic Science

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2690-6805ISSN (Online) 2692-6148ISSN (Print)

Volume 24 , Issue 2 , PP: 58-67, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Enhancing Decision-Making in Complex Environments: Integrating AHP, Delphi, and Neutrosophic Logic

Marcia Esther E. Heredia 1 , Jorge Washigton S. Andachi 2 , Nemis García Arias 3 , Saziye Yaman 4 *

  • 1 Regional Autonomous University of the Andes Babahoyo, Ecuador - (
  • 2 Regional Autonomous University of the Andes Puyo, Ecuador - (
  • 3 Regional Autonomous University of the Andes Santo Domingo, Ecuador - (
  • 4 Liberal Arts Department, American University of the Middle East, Kuwait - (
  • Doi:

    Received: November 15, 2023 Revised: February 22, 2024 Accepted: April 21, 2024

    The integration of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the Delphi method, and neutrosophic logic provides a powerful framework for complex decision-making, allowing for an enhanced handling of uncertainties and multiple criteria that characterizes many strategic planning and policy formulation scenarios. AHP’s structured approach helps decompose decision-making into manageable sub-problems, while the Delphi method facilitates expert consensus through iterative rounds, enriching the decision-making process with diverse expert insights. The inclusion of neutrosophic logic allows for better representation and processing of uncertainty, offering a flexible way to handle indeterminate and contradictory information. This robust methodology not only improves the precision of decisions but also adapts to the nuanced requirements of multifaceted decision environments. Future research could benefit from integrating these methods with technological advancements like artificial intelligence to automate and optimize the decision-making process further. Applying this integrated approach in various sectors such as healthcare, environmental management, and urban planning could also provide valuable insights into its effectiveness and scalability.

    Keywords :

    Decision-making , Neutrosophic Logic , Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) , Delphi Method


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    Cite This Article As :
    Esther, Marcia. , Washigton, Jorge. , García, Nemis. , Yaman, Saziye. Enhancing Decision-Making in Complex Environments: Integrating AHP, Delphi, and Neutrosophic Logic. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, vol. , no. , 2024, pp. 58-67. DOI:
    Esther, M. Washigton, J. García, N. Yaman, S. (2024). Enhancing Decision-Making in Complex Environments: Integrating AHP, Delphi, and Neutrosophic Logic. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, (), 58-67. DOI:
    Esther, Marcia. Washigton, Jorge. García, Nemis. Yaman, Saziye. Enhancing Decision-Making in Complex Environments: Integrating AHP, Delphi, and Neutrosophic Logic. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science , no. (2024): 58-67. DOI:
    Esther, M. , Washigton, J. , García, N. , Yaman, S. (2024) . Enhancing Decision-Making in Complex Environments: Integrating AHP, Delphi, and Neutrosophic Logic. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science , () , 58-67 . DOI:
    Esther M. , Washigton J. , García N. , Yaman S. [2024]. Enhancing Decision-Making in Complex Environments: Integrating AHP, Delphi, and Neutrosophic Logic. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science. (): 58-67. DOI:
    Esther, M. Washigton, J. García, N. Yaman, S. "Enhancing Decision-Making in Complex Environments: Integrating AHP, Delphi, and Neutrosophic Logic," International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, vol. , no. , pp. 58-67, 2024. DOI: