International Journal of Neutrosophic Science

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Volume 20 , Issue 1 , PP: 77-85, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

The State of Risk and Optimum Decision According to Neutrosophic Rules

Maissam Jdid 1 * , Hla Hasan 2

  • 1 Faculty of Informatics Engineering, Al-Sham Private University, Damascus, Syria - (
  • 2 Faculty of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria - (
  • Doi:

    Received: August 26, 2022 Accepted: December 05, 2022

    In light of the current circumstances and the momentary fluctuations that we live in all domains of life, which have transformed most decision-making cases into risky cases, this study was necessary. In this research, we present a new study for decision-making in the event of risk, by formulating some rules according to the neutrosophic logic starting from the data of the problem, where we replaced the classical values in the matrix of profit and probabilities with neutrosophic values that have a margin of freedom thanks to the indeterminacy provided by the neutrosophic logic, and we got more accurate solutions than the solutions that we obtained when using the classical rules which reduces the occurrence of losses, especially if the decisions are fateful and the decision issues are huge and complex and helps us to achieve the greatest profits by adopting a rational decision based on modern quantitative ways and methods.

    Keywords :

    Decision-Making Theory , Neutrosophic Logic , Risk Condition , Aspiration Level , Most Probable Case ,   , Largest Expected Values.


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    Cite This Article As :
    Jdid, Maissam. , Hasan, Hla. The State of Risk and Optimum Decision According to Neutrosophic Rules. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, vol. , no. , 2023, pp. 77-85. DOI:
    Jdid, M. Hasan, H. (2023). The State of Risk and Optimum Decision According to Neutrosophic Rules. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, (), 77-85. DOI:
    Jdid, Maissam. Hasan, Hla. The State of Risk and Optimum Decision According to Neutrosophic Rules. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science , no. (2023): 77-85. DOI:
    Jdid, M. , Hasan, H. (2023) . The State of Risk and Optimum Decision According to Neutrosophic Rules. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science , () , 77-85 . DOI:
    Jdid M. , Hasan H. [2023]. The State of Risk and Optimum Decision According to Neutrosophic Rules. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science. (): 77-85. DOI:
    Jdid, M. Hasan, H. "The State of Risk and Optimum Decision According to Neutrosophic Rules," International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, vol. , no. , pp. 77-85, 2023. DOI: