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International Journal of Wireless and Ad Hoc Communication
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Recent Advances in Sensing Technologies for Smart Cities
Type 2 Fuzzy Logic based Unequal Clustering algorithm for multi-hop wireless sensor networks
Managing a Secure Refresh Token Implementation with JSON Web Token in REST API
Blockchain technology in the international supply chains
Performance of MAODV and ODMRP Routing Protocol for Group Communication in Mobile Ad Hoc Network
Particle Swarm Optimization based Multihop Routing Techniques in Mobile ADHOC Networks
Control system for automatic brakes using ultra sonic sensor
Geological Landslide Disaster Monitoring Based on Wireless Network Technology
Optimal Algorithm for Shared Network Communication Bandwidth in IoT Applications
A Multi-level Features Fusion Model for Network Communication based on Machine Learning
An Overview of Cloud-Based Secure Services for Enterprise Drug–Drug Interaction Systems
Improvement and Enhancement of bandwidth of 5G Networks using Machine Learning
A PSPICE Fast Model for the Single Electron Transistor
A Survey on IoT based Wearable Sensor for Covid-19 Pandemic
Design of the LAN Network of Hospital Comandante Manuel Piti Fajardo
An Improved Group Teaching Optimization based Localization Scheme for WSN
Energy Aware Enhanced Krill Herd Algorithm Enabled Clustering for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
A Cognitive Research Tendency in Data Management of Sensor Network
Multicasting Data Routing for Vehicular Ad hoc Network using Fog Computing
Spam Detection in Connected Networks Using Particle Swarm and Genetic Algorithm Optimization: Youtube as a Case study
Natural Disaster Detection for Smart IoT Communication using LoRA model
Improving the perfoamnce of Fog-assisted Internet of Things Networks using Bipolar Trapezoidal Neutrosophic sets
Generative Edge Intelligence for Securing IoT-assisted Smart Grid against Cyber-Threats
Trustworthy Federated Graph Learning Framework for Wireless Internet of Things
An Efficient and Secured Triple-Layered Wireless Sensor Network with Machine Learning Techniques
Cyber Attack Detection in Wireless Adhoc Network using Artificial Intelligence
A Review on Software Fault Detection Mechanisms and Fault Prevention Mechanisms in Networks
FLC-NET: Federated Lightweight Network for Early Discovery of Malware in Resource-constrained IoT
Metaheuristic Optimized Ensemble Model for Classification of SMS Spam in Computer Networks
Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Computing: Challenges, Research Gaps, and Future
Artificial Flora Optimization Algorithm with Functional Link Neural Network for DoS Attack Classification in WSN
Evaluating the Performance of Battery Electric Vehicles using an Incorporated Decision Support Framework Based on Ranking Algorithms
Multi-criteria Decision Making Model for Industrial Arc Welding Robot
Trust Aware Manta Ray Foraging Optimization based Secure Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
A Study of Multicast Routing Protocols Based MOSPE and DVMRP
Information error-based Pythagorean fuzzy cloud technique for managing road traffic risk
A Novel Metaheuristic Optimization based Clustering with Routing Scheme for IoT Mobile Edge Computing Platform
Photovoltaic Charging Station Site Selection using a Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Framework with a Novel Criterion Identification
Multi-attribute decision-making method for prioritizing autonomous vehicles in real-time traffic management: towards active sustainable transport
Modeling of Leopard optimization based Node Localization Technique for Wireless Communication Networks
Modified Flower Pollination Algorithm based Resource Management Model for Clustered IoT Network
Energy Aware Scheme for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Energy Aware Routing Protocol with Data Fusion and Machine Learning
Design and Implementation of Demodulator and Carrier Phase Compensation System for Satellite Communication
Design and FPGA Implementation of Digital Frequency Modulation Receiver
New Optimization Models for Sine Cosine Functions in Embedded Telecommunication Systems
Blockchain-based Model for Image Encryption in IoT Communication Environment
Design Partition in a Spiking Neural Arrange of Hippocampus Vigorous to Imbalanced Excitation/Inhibition in Mesh Network
Secured Intrusion Detection in Adhoc Networks
A Proposed Optimization Framework for the Routing Protocols in Adhoc networks
Clustering Based Energy Coding for Wireless Adhoc Network
Innovative Techniques for Attack Detection in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
A Review on Distributed Denial of Service Detection in Software Defined Network
Design of Secure and Stable Routing Protocols for the Adhoc Networks
Analysis of Security Mechanism in Adhoc Network with Machine Learning Techniques
Improved Routing Protocol for Extending Wireless Sensor Networks Lifetime
Secured Authentication of Node in Mobile Adhoc Network
Quality of Service Enhancement in Wireless LAN and MANET
Quality of Service in Mobile Adhoc Networks with Non-Saturation Conditions
Blockchain Communication Platform Selection in IoT Healthcare Industry using MARCOS
Reliable Data Communication Model for Fog Computing
Semi-supervised Transformer Network for Anomaly Detection in Cellular Internet of Things
Enhanced Active Queue Management‑Based Green Cloud Model for 5G system using K-Means
Photonic Crystal Circuitry and its Impact on Wireless Networks
U-Shape Wideband Slot Antenna for 5G Mobile Phone Applications
Mutual Coupling Reduction Between MM-Wave Microstrip Antennas Using Split Rectangular Structure
Fuzzy Logic Based Load Balanced Clustering for Network Lifetime Enhancement in WSN
An Enterprise of Cognitive Fog Computing For Disturbance Recognition in Internet of Things
Enhancing Healthcare Monitoring through the Integration of IoT Networks and Machine Learning
Innovations at the Nexus of Sustainability and Industry 4.0: Data-Driven Approach for Preemptive Equipment Management in Smart Factories
Data Security in Cloud Computing
Integrating Predictive Big Data Analytics with Behavioral Machine Learning Models for Proactive Threat Intelligence in Industrial IoT Cybersecurity
Adapting to Evolving Cyber Threat Landscapes with Dynamic Security Protocol Management in Large-Scale IoT Sensor Networks
Establishing IoT Cyber Hygiene Frameworks with Continuous Monitoring and Risk Assessment in Smart City Infrastructures
Investigating Recent Advances In Coded Diffraction Patterns using Deep Learning
Mitigating Cybersecurity Threats in Modern Networks Using Intelligent Approach
Enhancing Cyber Security Attack Prediction: A Weighted Optimized Ensemble Approach Using DTO+DE Algorithm
Enhancing Security and Privacy in IoT-Based Learning with Homomorphic Encryption
Ransomware Threats in Industrial Internet of Things Networks: A Detection Approach
Crafting Resilient Consensus Mechanisms for The Web3.0 Network Through Edge Intelligence
Threat Detection and Mitigation in the Realm of Connected Vehicle Systems
The Emerging Role of Wearable Health Technologies in Proactive Disease Prevention
Securing the Skies: A Study of Cybersecurity Measures in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Enhancing Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime through Energy-Efficient Data Clustering and Compressed Forwarding in video Processing
Multisensory Fusion Approaches for Accurate Smoke Detection in Smart Environments
The Smart Trust framework for WBAN: An AI-driven approach for node trust assessment
Comprehensive Detection of Security Threats in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: Bridging Healthcare 4.0
Enhancing Wireless Ad-Hoc Network Security by Mitigating Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks
Hybrid Metaheuristics with Deep Learning Assisted Intrusion Detection on Cyber-Physical Smart Grid Environment
Improving Network Security using Tunicate Swarm Algorithm with Stacked Deep Learning Model on IoT Environment
VLSI Implementation of AES Block Cipher Based Data Hiding in Image Processing
Performance Optimization of Transmission Gate-Based D Flip-Flop using Clock Gating Technique
Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Architecture for Energy-Efficient Data-Fusion-Based Cognitive Radio Network
Smart Accident Detection using IoT Technology
Efficacious Framework for The Detection of Link Flooding Attack in Mobile Ad Hoc Network
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Volume 4
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Volume 6
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Volume 9
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