International Journal of Private Law and International Arbitration

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2836-5216ISSN (Online)

The Chagos Archipelago Case and the Limits of International Law (English) L’Affaire de l’Archipel des Chagos et Les Limites du Droit International

Mahir Al Banna

The legal status of the Chagos archipelago is complex because it is of a hybrid nature: it is under the sovereignty of the United Kingdom which grants rights at sea to Mauritius, and on land to the United States (Diego Garcia). This case is also important because it is not easy to have two divergent preoccupations: the protection of the environment in the face of the rights of Chagossians and environmental sustainability in the face of equity and human rights. This case was first submitted to the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), before the UN General Assembly had asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) about the claims that the PCA declared it lacked jurisdiction to answer.

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Vol. 1 Issue. 1 PP. 08-19, (2022)

Legal commentary: The case of the Player Abdullah Al-Saeed v. Club Al-Ahly SC, Egypt

Mohammed M. Abdelmoemen

Legal Commentary: The player Abdullah Al-Saeed’s case against Al-Ahly SC, Egypt. 

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Vol. 1 Issue. 1 PP. 20-24, (2022)

Towards a National Strategy for Judicial Accountability: A Critical Review in Jordan

Inas Alkhaldi

This paper examines the complex relationship between judicial accountability and judicial independence. In order to provide a framework for good governance in the Jordanian judiciary by identifying its main features and shortcomings in its work. The paper describes mechanisms for achieving accountability through various methods of judicial appointment and removal. But more important than these approaches, she says, is the idea of ensuring judicial accountability by insisting that judges are accountable to the law. The experience of the judiciary in Jordan over the past decades has clearly shown that the judicial administration needs a strategic vision based on efficiency, accountability, and integrity. The paper addresses in detail the challenges of judicial administration that need to be addressed through the implementation of a viable national strategy for judicial accountability

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Vol. 1 Issue. 1 PP. 25-29, (2022)

The Regulation of the Investment in Crypto-Assets and its role in the growth of International Trade

Mustafa G. Mustafa

This article discusses the importance of enacting a regulatory framework for investing in Crypto-Assets where the need for this arose after the advent of blockchain technology and the accompanying development, The volume of trading on cryptocurrencies has increased, and Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) have become the focus of many investors in every country in the world and are sold for a huge price. Crypto-assets are attracting investors, especially because of their features such as encryption and ease of proof of ownership equally, many countries seek to invest in crypto-assets to ensure that they have an additional financial resource that increases the volume of GDP. Crypto-assets have also played an important role in international trade by facilitating trade financing operations. Crypto-assets have helped remove traditional barriers and eliminate risks that have hindered investors, and the international trade process is proceeding more smoothly and efficiently. During this time, it was necessary to examine and discuss how to enact regulatory frameworks for investing in crypto-assets, ensuring that people and countries make the best use of them, and also prevent money-laundering and terrorist financing that might accompany it.

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Vol. 1 Issue. 1 PP. 30-37, (2022)

Legal Argument of Liability of Air Carrier for Accidents of Air Terrorism

Ahmed M. Aldabousi

This paper reviews discusses the liability of the air carrier has a role in the security of the passengers in the shadow of the ramifying opinions about the legal basis and nature of such liability. This problem becomes worse in countries with no legislations on air transport. Therefore, liability for the accidents of air terrorism is established in accordance with the general rules of liability in a way that does not match with the nature of air transport and accidents connected with it. The question why is that is air carrier liable for the damages caused to the passengers because of the terrorist acts or not? The study appeals to the air carrier to be exempt from the liability for what might face the flight that he warns the passengers of the terrorist threats to which the flight might be exposed on condition that these threats are serious  

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Vol. 1 Issue. 1 PP. 38-45, (2022)