Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction

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2771-1463ISSN (Online) 2771-1471ISSN (Print)

Apparel Recommendation Engine Using Inverse Document Frequency and Weighted Average Word2vec

Parvesh K , Tharun C , Prakash M

The rapid development of e-commerce shopping marketplaces necessitates the use of recommendation engines and quick, precise, and efficient algorithms in order for the company's business models to generate a massive amount of profit. A computer vision software programme enables a computer to learn a great deal from digital images or movies. Machine learning methods are used in computer vision, and several machine learning techniques have been developed specifically for this purpose. Information retrieval is the process of extracting useful information from a dataset, and computer vision is the most commonly used tool for this purpose nowadays. This project consists of a series of modules that run sequentially to retrieve information from a marked area on a receipt. A receipt image is used as an input for the model, and the model first uses various image processing algorithms to clean the data, after which the pre-processed data is applied to machine learning algorithms to produce better results, and the result is a string of numerical digits including the decimal point. The program's accuracy is primarily determined by the image quality or pixel density, and it is necessary to ensure that an input receipt is not damaged and content is not blurred.

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Doi: DOI:

Vol. 1 Issue. 2 PP. 46-56, (2021)

Collaborating The Textual Reviews Of The Merchandise and Foretelling The Rating Supported Social Sentiment

Vijay K

Lately, we have seen a twist of audit sites. It presents a decent opportunity to share our experience for a considerable length of time we have bought. Be that as it may, we tend to confront the information over-burdening issue. A method for mining significant information from surveys to know a client's inclinations and produce precise proposal is fundamental. Since quite a while ago settled recommender Systems (RS) considers a few variables, similar to client's buy records, item class, and geographic area. During this work, we have proposed sentiment-based rating prediction technique (RPS) to help up the expectation precision in recommender Systems. First and foremost, we examine the social user sentimental measuring approach and calculate every user’s sentiment on things/items. Furthermore, we don't exclusively consider a client's own wistful properties anyway moreover take interpersonal social sentimental influence into study. Then, at that point, we propose to consider item name, which might be deduced by the sentimental distributions of a user set that reflect clients' comprehensive analysis. Finally, we tend to intertwine 3 factors-user sentiment similarity, interpersonal social sentimental distributions of a client opinion likeness, interpersonal social sentimental influence, associate the thing's reputation relationship into our recommender system to make a talented rating prediction. Then, at that point, we arranged a presentation analysis of the 3 sentimental factors on a genuine world dataset gathered from Yelp. Our exploratory outcomes show, the sentiment will well describe user preferences, which facilitate to hike the proposal execution.

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Vol. 1 Issue. 2 PP. 63 - 72, (2021)

Intelligent Smart Dustbin System using Internet of Things (IoT) for Health Care

R. Venkatesan , Althaaf Shaik , Suraj Kumar , Vipul Guria , Abhishek Raj

Facilities produce a great deal of possibly hazardous waste. Waste Separation Most of the s are at this point running on of the leeway pickers. At this point separates from , and holders 444 containing dangerous clinical facility waste and discarded release, needles, glucose dropper bottles, plastic paper and wraps are disengaged from hands, Cancer and Infectious Disease. This can incite lower rules, of survivors, lower future, and impact on the time of youths brought into the world to such affected watchmen. Modified waste separators have been proposed to automate the parcel of biomedical waste created in clinical centers. Exactly when metal waste (cautious sharp edges, needles, etc) is recognized, the highest point of the internal compartment turns in like way, holding people back from setting the misfortune in some unsatisfactory office. The trash canister cover is robotized, so when a singular stands near the trash receptacle, the top will open normally. From here on out, one can put in the waste. Separation of clinical waste is done normally to hinder the spread of disease in crisis facilities and reduce manual cycles.

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Vol. 1 Issue. 2 PP. 73 - 80, (2021)

An Implementation Of Statistical Feature Algorithms For The Detection Of Brain Tumor

P. Kavitha , R. Subha Shini , R. Priya

A member of a population who is at risk of becoming infected by disease is a susceptible individual. Finding disease susceptibility and generating an alert in advance, is valuable for an individual. The aim of the work presented a feature vector using different statistical texture analyses of brain tumors from an MRI image. The statistical feature texture is computed using GLCM (Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrices) of brain tumor cell structure. For this paper, the brain tumor cell segmented using the strip method to implement hybrid Assured Convergence Particle Swarm Optimization (ACPSO) - Fuzzy C-means clustering (FCM). Furthermore, the four angles 0o, 45o, 90o, and 135o have calculated the segmented brain image in GLCM. The four angular directions are calculated using texture features are correlation, energy, contrast and homogeneity. The texture analysis is performed on different types of images using past years. So, the algorithm proposed statistical texture features are calculated for iterative image segmentation. The algorithm FETC (Feature Extraction Tumor Cell) extracts statistical features of GLCM. These results show that MRI images can be implemented in a system of brain cancer detection. 

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Doi: DOI:

Vol. 1 Issue. 2 PP. 57 - 62, (2021)

Survey On Smart Cane For Visually Impaired Using IOT

Sonia Jenifer Rayen

This fundamental point of this task to give a voice-based route framework for the outwardly tested voice acknowledgment module and it is planned to give in general estimates object discovery and constant help through Worldwide Situating Framework (GPS) and ultrasonic sensors. This venture focuses on the advancement of an Electronic Voyaging Help (Estimated time of arrival) unit to assist the visually impaired individuals with finding an impediment free way. This Estimated time of arrival is fixed to the stick of the outwardly tested. At the point when the item is distinguished close to the stick of the outwardly hindered it cautions them with the assistance of the vibratory circuit. The outwardly tested will give the objective's name as the contribution to the voice acknowledgment module. GPS module persistently gets the scope and longitude of the current area. GPS contrasts it and the objective's scope and longitude. The outwardly tested gets the articulated headings which he wants to follow to arrive at his objective

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Doi: DOI:

Vol. 1 Issue. 2 PP. 81 - 85, (2021)