International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education Technology

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Volume 1 , Issue 2 , PP: 36-42, 2022 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Pedagogical Conditions for the Implementation of the Use of Digital Tools in Distance Learning

Nilufar Fayzullaeva 1 * , Dilorom Ergasheva 2 , Akram Ishnazarov 3

  • 1 Department of Innovative Education, Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan - (
  • 2 Department of Innovative Education, Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan - (
  • 3 Department of Mathematical methods in Economics, Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan - (
  • Doi:

    Received: March 18, 2022 Accepted: August 12, 2022

    The article deals with the issue of practical application of Internet technologies in the educational process. The main directions of using computer networks in teaching students are indicated. Particular attention is paid to the use of distance learning systems based on the Internet.

    Keywords :

    Internet technologies , computer network , information technology , distance learning system


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    Cite This Article As :
    Fayzullaeva, Nilufar. , Ergasheva, Dilorom. , Ishnazarov, Akram. Pedagogical Conditions for the Implementation of the Use of Digital Tools in Distance Learning. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education Technology, vol. , no. , 2022, pp. 36-42. DOI:
    Fayzullaeva, N. Ergasheva, D. Ishnazarov, A. (2022). Pedagogical Conditions for the Implementation of the Use of Digital Tools in Distance Learning. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education Technology, (), 36-42. DOI:
    Fayzullaeva, Nilufar. Ergasheva, Dilorom. Ishnazarov, Akram. Pedagogical Conditions for the Implementation of the Use of Digital Tools in Distance Learning. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education Technology , no. (2022): 36-42. DOI:
    Fayzullaeva, N. , Ergasheva, D. , Ishnazarov, A. (2022) . Pedagogical Conditions for the Implementation of the Use of Digital Tools in Distance Learning. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education Technology , () , 36-42 . DOI:
    Fayzullaeva N. , Ergasheva D. , Ishnazarov A. [2022]. Pedagogical Conditions for the Implementation of the Use of Digital Tools in Distance Learning. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education Technology. (): 36-42. DOI:
    Fayzullaeva, N. Ergasheva, D. Ishnazarov, A. "Pedagogical Conditions for the Implementation of the Use of Digital Tools in Distance Learning," International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education Technology, vol. , no. , pp. 36-42, 2022. DOI: