International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education Technology

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Volume 1 , Issue 1 , PP: 25-40, 2022 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Proposed Architecture Diagrams for developing an electronic system based on block chain technology to secure confidential data in university

Samia Ahmed Elsayed abou Elwafa 1 * , Elsaeed Elsaeed Mohamed Abd El-razk 2 , Samir Aboul Fotouh Saleh 3 , Safaa M. Elatawy 4

  • 1 Faculty of Specific Education, Damietta University, Egypt - ( )
  • 2 Faculty of Specific Education, Damietta University, Egypt - ( )
  • 3 Professor of Accounting and Information Systems, Mansoura University College of Business - (
  • 4 Faculty of Specific Education, Damietta University, Egypt - (
  • Doi:

    Received: February 20, 2022 Accepted: May 20, 2022

    The current system inside Egyptian universities s relies on the minimum and traditional methods of securing data that do not keep pace with the current digital development. Therefore, the education sector needs to take advantage of the advantages of block chain technology in securing and encrypting data from the risks of hacking and leakage of records. Through the above, an electronic system for generating a data encryption key based on block chain technology and the AES algorithm has been proposed.

    Keywords :

    Blockchain technology, Encryption Algorithm, (AES) algorithm



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    Cite This Article As :
    Ahmed, Samia. , Elsaeed, Elsaeed. , Aboul, Samir. , M., Safaa. Proposed Architecture Diagrams for developing an electronic system based on block chain technology to secure confidential data in university. Journal of International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education Technology, vol. 1, no. 1, 2022, pp. 25-40. DOI:
    Ahmed, S. Elsaeed, E. Aboul, S. M., S. (2022). Proposed Architecture Diagrams for developing an electronic system based on block chain technology to secure confidential data in university. Journal of International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education Technology, 1( 1), 25-40. DOI:
    Ahmed, Samia. Elsaeed, Elsaeed. Aboul, Samir. M., Safaa. Proposed Architecture Diagrams for developing an electronic system based on block chain technology to secure confidential data in university. Journal of International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education Technology 1, no. 1 (2022): 25-40. DOI:
    Ahmed, S. , Elsaeed, E. , Aboul, S. , M., S. (2022) . Proposed Architecture Diagrams for developing an electronic system based on block chain technology to secure confidential data in university. Journal of International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education Technology , 1( 1) , 25-40 . DOI:
    Ahmed S. , Elsaeed E. , Aboul S. , M. S. [2022]. Proposed Architecture Diagrams for developing an electronic system based on block chain technology to secure confidential data in university. Journal of International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education Technology. 1( 1): 25-40. DOI:
    Ahmed, S. Elsaeed, E. Aboul, S. M., S. "Proposed Architecture Diagrams for developing an electronic system based on block chain technology to secure confidential data in university," Journal of International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education Technology, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 25-40, 2022. DOI: