Journal of Social Problems Research

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2995-3200ISSN (Online)
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1. PhD. Maikel Leyva-Vázquez, Universiad Regional Autónoma de los Andes /Universisad de Guayaquil, Ecuador

2. Phd, Jesús Estupiñan Ricardo, Uniandes, Ecuador

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Oscar José Alejo Machado , Teacher Researcher  Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador

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The journal aims to promote the exchange in social, humanistic, economic, technical, and other sciences with an interdisciplinary and integrated character for the solution of social problems. The journal tackles the most difficult of contemporary society's issues and brings to the fore significant scientific findings and practical applications, enabling readers to gain a better understanding of the solution in a complex social environment.

The journal aims to promote the exchange in social, humanistic, economic, technical, and other sciences with an interdisciplinary and integrated character for the solution of social problems. The journal tackles the most difficult of contemporary society's issues and brings significant scientific findings and practical applications to the fore, enabling readers to better understand the solution in a complex social environment.

List of covered topics:

Higher Education Science and Technology

Health policy and services
Artificial intelligence and social problems
Technical science and social problems
Science and Society
Conflict and social action
Crime and juvenile delinquency
Drugs and addiction
Education in a complex society

1-Karina Perez Teruel. Universidad Abierta Para Adultos, República Dominicana . 

2-Ariel Jose Romero Fernandez, UNIANDES, ECUADOR.

3. PhD, Ricardo Sánchez Casanova, Universidad de la Habana, Cuba

4. PhD, José Sergio Puig Espinosa, Centro de Estudios para la Calidad Educativa y la Investigatión Científica, Toluca, México

5. Maura de la Caridad Salabarría Roig, Centro de Estudios para la Calidad Educativa y la Investigatión Científica, Toluca, México

6. Phd, Salah Hasan Saleh, Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas, Habana, Cuba

7. Phd, Omar Mar Cornelio, Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas, Habana, Cuba

8. Phd, Rodolfo González Ortega, Universidade Feevale, Brasil.

9. PhD, Jesús Hechavarría Hernández, Universidad de Católica Santiago de Guayaquil, Ecuador

10. Msc. Jean Pierre Ramos Carpio , Analyst CCGECON 

11. Lic. Angel Braulio Martinez Vásquez , Diagrammer CCGECON

12 Ing. Darwin Michael Ramos Carpio , Analyst CCGECON

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