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Volume 2 , Issue 1 , PP: 50-58, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Financial Risks Appraisal based on Dynamic Appraisal Framework

Mona Mohamed 1 *

  • 1 Higher Technological Institute, 10th of Ramadan City 44629, Egypt - (
  • Doi:

    Received: January 10, 2023 Accepted: April 11, 2023

    Recently, New Energy Vehicle (NEV) consider eco-friendly and become the strategic option for balancing economic, social, and ecological goals. Therefore, this study contributed to construct a dynamic appraisal framework (DAF). Deploying Combined Compromise Solution (CoCoSo) methods and single-valued neutrosophic sets (SNNSs) in DAF to appraise financial risk for seven enterprises based on determined nine criteria. The CoCoSo method is used within the context of the SVN to decide which enterpise is the otimal. In addition, an example case study of financial risk evaluation is explored to highlight the entire execution process of the suggested framework.

    Keywords :

    New Energy Vehicle , Financial Risk , Combined Compromise Solution (CoCoSo) , MCDM, Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets.



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    Cite This Article As :
    Mohamed, Mona. Financial Risks Appraisal based on Dynamic Appraisal Framework. Neutrosophic and Information Fusion, vol. , no. , 2023, pp. 50-58. DOI:
    Mohamed, M. (2023). Financial Risks Appraisal based on Dynamic Appraisal Framework. Neutrosophic and Information Fusion, (), 50-58. DOI:
    Mohamed, Mona. Financial Risks Appraisal based on Dynamic Appraisal Framework. Neutrosophic and Information Fusion , no. (2023): 50-58. DOI:
    Mohamed, M. (2023) . Financial Risks Appraisal based on Dynamic Appraisal Framework. Neutrosophic and Information Fusion , () , 50-58 . DOI:
    Mohamed M. [2023]. Financial Risks Appraisal based on Dynamic Appraisal Framework. Neutrosophic and Information Fusion. (): 50-58. DOI:
    Mohamed, M. "Financial Risks Appraisal based on Dynamic Appraisal Framework," Neutrosophic and Information Fusion, vol. , no. , pp. 50-58, 2023. DOI: