Neutrosophic and Information Fusion

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Volume 1 , Issue 1 , PP: 27-33, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Sustainable Supplier Selection using Neutrosophic Sets and MCDM Framework

Abduallah Gamal 1 * , Nehal Nabil Mostafa 2

  • 1 Faculty of Computers and Informatics, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Sharqiyah 44519, Egypt - (
  • 2 Misr Engineering and technology, Misr Higher Institute For commerce and computers, Egypt - (
  • Doi:

    Received: June 20, 2022 Accepted: January 09, 2023

    Because of stricter rules from the government and growing awareness among the general public, sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) performs a significant role in the management of firm manufacturing operations. Companies that want to promote sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) must first choose the most suitable sustainable supplier, which is a MCDM dilemma, as highlighted in a number of research studies. In addition, because of their limited expertise, those who make decisions have a propensity to convey their opinions via the use of language phrases. The purpose of this work is to report on a unique MCDM model for the choice of sustainable suppliers. This approach integrates the MCDM MABAC method inside an uncertain language situation. With the assistance of uncertain linguistic sets, the neutrosophic sets used to overcome these uncertainty. When it comes to generating the ranking of possible suppliers, the MABAC is dependable and easy to understand. In conclusion, an iron maker is used as an example to illustrate the practicability and efficacy of the suggested strategy for the selection of sustainable suppliers.

    Keywords :

    Sustainable Supplier Selection , Decision Making , Neutrosophic Sets , MCDM , MABAC


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    Cite This Article As :
    Gamal, Abduallah. , Nabil, Nehal. Sustainable Supplier Selection using Neutrosophic Sets and MCDM Framework. Neutrosophic and Information Fusion, vol. , no. , 2023, pp. 27-33. DOI:
    Gamal, A. Nabil, N. (2023). Sustainable Supplier Selection using Neutrosophic Sets and MCDM Framework. Neutrosophic and Information Fusion, (), 27-33. DOI:
    Gamal, Abduallah. Nabil, Nehal. Sustainable Supplier Selection using Neutrosophic Sets and MCDM Framework. Neutrosophic and Information Fusion , no. (2023): 27-33. DOI:
    Gamal, A. , Nabil, N. (2023) . Sustainable Supplier Selection using Neutrosophic Sets and MCDM Framework. Neutrosophic and Information Fusion , () , 27-33 . DOI:
    Gamal A. , Nabil N. [2023]. Sustainable Supplier Selection using Neutrosophic Sets and MCDM Framework. Neutrosophic and Information Fusion. (): 27-33. DOI:
    Gamal, A. Nabil, N. "Sustainable Supplier Selection using Neutrosophic Sets and MCDM Framework," Neutrosophic and Information Fusion, vol. , no. , pp. 27-33, 2023. DOI: