Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction

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Volume 1 , Issue 1 , PP: 18-27, 2021 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Design and Development of Mobile Healthcare Application for “Ayurvedic” based Clinical Documents

Mrs.K.Kiruthika 1 * , Ms.S.Gayathri 2 , Ms.R.Hemalatha 3 , Ms.P.Menaga 4

  • 1 Computer Science and Business Systems, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai ,600123, India - (
  • 2 System Engineer, Infosys Limited,Chennai,600119, India - (
  • 3 Assistant System Engineer, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Chennai, 603103, India - (
  • 4 Computer Science and Business Systems, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai ,600123, India - (
  • Doi:


    In the modern world, people need immediate remedies for their health problems. Without considering the future effects of the heavy dose medicines, people intake those medicines to get immediate relief. As a result, they forget the natural and side effects free home remedies. And there is no awareness among the current generation youngsters and kids. To overcome this problem, we are developing a mobile application in dart language using flutter framework [2]. It uses KMP Algorithm [4] to recommends the medicine based on their allergic conditions matching. By this our system recommends the natural homemade medicines for their temporary health issues. This will increase the acceptance of these homemade medicines among the people.

    Keywords :

    Flutter - Open-source UI software development kit, KMP algorithm - Knuth -Morris-Pratt


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    Cite This Article As :
    , Mrs.K.Kiruthika. , , Ms.S.Gayathri. , , Ms.R.Hemalatha. , , Ms.P.Menaga. Design and Development of Mobile Healthcare Application for “Ayurvedic” based Clinical Documents. Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction, vol. , no. , 2021, pp. 18-27. DOI:
    , M. , M. , M. , M. (2021). Design and Development of Mobile Healthcare Application for “Ayurvedic” based Clinical Documents. Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction, (), 18-27. DOI:
    , Mrs.K.Kiruthika. , Ms.S.Gayathri. , Ms.R.Hemalatha. , Ms.P.Menaga. Design and Development of Mobile Healthcare Application for “Ayurvedic” based Clinical Documents. Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction , no. (2021): 18-27. DOI:
    , M. , , M. , , M. , , M. (2021) . Design and Development of Mobile Healthcare Application for “Ayurvedic” based Clinical Documents. Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction , () , 18-27 . DOI:
    M. , M. , M. , M. [2021]. Design and Development of Mobile Healthcare Application for “Ayurvedic” based Clinical Documents. Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction. (): 18-27. DOI:
    , M. , M. , M. , M. "Design and Development of Mobile Healthcare Application for “Ayurvedic” based Clinical Documents," Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction, vol. , no. , pp. 18-27, 2021. DOI: