Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction

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2771-1463ISSN (Online) 2771-1471ISSN (Print)

Volume 3 , Issue 2 , PP: 26-35, 2022 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Power Backup for Failsafe Power System

G.PonKumar 1 * , ArvindRavindran 2 , HarshadSultanT 3 , S.N. Karthikrishna 4 , T.Lokeshwar 5 , S. Arvindswamy 6 , M. Maheshkumar 7 , B. Dharani 8

  • 1 Department of Electrical and Electronics, Panimalar Engineering College - (
  • 2 Department of Electrical and Electronics, Panimalar Engineering College - (
  • 3 Department of Electrical and Electronics, Panimalar Engineering College - (
  • 4 Department of Electrical and Electronics, Panimalar Engineering College - (
  • 5 Department of Electrical and Electronics, Panimalar Engineering College - (
  • 6 Department of Electrical and Electronics, Panimalar Engineering College - (
  • 7 Department of Electrical and Electronics, Panimalar Engineering College - (
  • 8 Department of Electrical and Electronics, Panimalar Engineering College - (
  • Doi:

    Received: January 27, 2022 Accepted: May 30, 2022

    When the primary power source fails, a backup power system is employed to provide electricity. This system is critical since any operation requires an uninterruptible power source. Batteries and generators that run on diesel, propane, or gasoline are currently used as backup systems. Power system blackouts occur on a frequent basis all around the world, indicating that the structure of power system protection needs to be enhanced. The existing precautions in the event of a disruption may not always allow for the localization of an emergency and subsequent self-restoration of normal operation conditions without personal input. The research direction was chosen based on the foregoing issues, presenting novel concepts and methods for preventing system blackouts and restoring normal operating conditions without the involvement of staff. Taking into account the above considerations the research direction was chosen, proposing new concept and solutions for prevention of the system blackouts and the resumption of normal operating conditions without staff participation. The inclusion of a centralized component in this structure ensures that hierarchical operating rules are followed at a higher level.

    Keywords :

    Islanding , Transmission power grid , self-Restoration , Versatile Electric Grid


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    Cite This Article As :
    , G.PonKumar. , , ArvindRavindran. , , HarshadSultanT. , Karthikrishna, S.N.. , , T.Lokeshwar. , Arvindswamy, S.. , Maheshkumar, M.. , Dharani, B.. Power Backup for Failsafe Power System. Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction, vol. , no. , 2022, pp. 26-35. DOI:
    , G. , A. , H. Karthikrishna, S. , T. Arvindswamy, S. Maheshkumar, M. Dharani, B. (2022). Power Backup for Failsafe Power System. Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction, (), 26-35. DOI:
    , G.PonKumar. , ArvindRavindran. , HarshadSultanT. Karthikrishna, S.N.. , T.Lokeshwar. Arvindswamy, S.. Maheshkumar, M.. Dharani, B.. Power Backup for Failsafe Power System. Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction , no. (2022): 26-35. DOI:
    , G. , , A. , , H. , Karthikrishna, S. , , T. , Arvindswamy, S. , Maheshkumar, M. , Dharani, B. (2022) . Power Backup for Failsafe Power System. Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction , () , 26-35 . DOI:
    G. , A. , H. , Karthikrishna S. , T. , Arvindswamy S. , Maheshkumar M. , Dharani B. [2022]. Power Backup for Failsafe Power System. Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction. (): 26-35. DOI:
    , G. , A. , H. Karthikrishna, S. , T. Arvindswamy, S. Maheshkumar, M. Dharani, B. "Power Backup for Failsafe Power System," Journal of Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction, vol. , no. , pp. 26-35, 2022. DOI: