Journal of Neutrosophic and Fuzzy Systems

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2771-6449ISSN (Online) 2771-6430ISSN (Print)

Volume 8 , Issue 2 , PP: 08-14, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

On Some Novel Generalizations of Weak Fuzzy Complex Numbers

Zahraa Hasan 1 * , Rama Asad Nadweh 2

  • 1 University Of Applied Science, Faculty of Literature and Science, Manama, Bahrain - (
  • 2 Online Islamic University, Department Of Science and Information Technology, Doha, Qatar - (
  • Doi:

    Received: November 22, 2023 Revised: January 19, 2024 Accepted: April 12, 2024

    The ring of weak fuzzy complex numbers is an extension of real numbers ring by using an algebraic element with fuzzy property. In this paper, we present two novel generalizations of weak fuzzy complex numbers, where the concepts of strong fuzzy complex numbers and split-complex weak fuzzy complex numbers will be defined for the first time with a general study of their elementary properties and special elements. On the other hand, we provide an algorithm to compute the dempotent elements in the ring of split-complex weak fuzzy complex numbers with many related examples that clarify the validity of our work.

    Keywords :

    weak fuzzy complex number , strong fuzzy complex number , split-complex weak fuzzy complex number , idempotent element


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    Cite This Article As :
    Hasan, Zahraa. , Asad, Rama. On Some Novel Generalizations of Weak Fuzzy Complex Numbers. Journal of Neutrosophic and Fuzzy Systems, vol. , no. , 2024, pp. 08-14. DOI:
    Hasan, Z. Asad, R. (2024). On Some Novel Generalizations of Weak Fuzzy Complex Numbers. Journal of Neutrosophic and Fuzzy Systems, (), 08-14. DOI:
    Hasan, Zahraa. Asad, Rama. On Some Novel Generalizations of Weak Fuzzy Complex Numbers. Journal of Neutrosophic and Fuzzy Systems , no. (2024): 08-14. DOI:
    Hasan, Z. , Asad, R. (2024) . On Some Novel Generalizations of Weak Fuzzy Complex Numbers. Journal of Neutrosophic and Fuzzy Systems , () , 08-14 . DOI:
    Hasan Z. , Asad R. [2024]. On Some Novel Generalizations of Weak Fuzzy Complex Numbers. Journal of Neutrosophic and Fuzzy Systems. (): 08-14. DOI:
    Hasan, Z. Asad, R. "On Some Novel Generalizations of Weak Fuzzy Complex Numbers," Journal of Neutrosophic and Fuzzy Systems, vol. , no. , pp. 08-14, 2024. DOI: