Volume 2 , Issue 1 , PP: 11-15, 2022 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Victor Christianto 1 *
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JCFA.020102
In previous article, we reported initial findings based on small experiment on potential use of salt-water as cheap source of renewable battery with various kind of metals as anode and cathode. The purpose of these experiments is to find out which combination of anode and cathode is capable to generate the best performance in terms of electric voltage. Following those previous reports, this writer also conducted several tests to see effect of low-intensity laser irradiation on potable water. While the first series of our experiment clearly indicated possible laser cooling effect of low intensity laser irradiation of potable water and salt water, the following extended experiment on low intensity laser irradiation shows a rather mixed result. In a series of initial experiment, laser irradiation with laser pen gave lower electric potential (down to several minus milli Volt to the Voltmeter reading), but later on after more than 180 sec of irradiation, it shows increased positive milli Volt of electric potential of the system. In this experiment, we found that combination of low-intensity laser irradiation and Solfeggio scale frequencies applied to potable water shows dim result.
salt-water battery , electric potential , laser irradiation , Solfeggio scale frequency.  ,
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