Journal of Social Problems Research

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Volume 4 , Issue 1 , PP: 25-34, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Shifiting the Burden of Proof Regarding the Non-Existence of Unjustified Dismissal in Ecuador.

Cacpata Calle W. Alfredo 1 * , Gil Betancourt A. Stefanía 2 , Enríquez Guanga N. Jazmín 3 , Castillo Núñez K. Trinidad 4

  • 1 Abogado, Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes; Magister en Derecho Constitucional, Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo; Docente de la Carrera de Derecho, UNIANDES, Extensión Santo Domingo, Ecuadorus. - (
  • 2 Estudiantes del V nivel de la Carrera de Derecho de la Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes, Extensión Santo Domingo, Ecuador - (
  • 3 Estudiantes del V nivel de la Carrera de Derecho de la Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes, Extensión Santo Domingo, Ecuador - (
  • 4 Estudiantes del V nivel de la Carrera de Derecho de la Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes, Extensión Santo Domingo, Ecuador - (
  • Doi:

    Received: February 13, 2023 Accepted: July 18, 2023

    In the workplace the worker is considered the weakest part of the employment relationship and untimely dismissal is a social problem in Ecuador, for which compensation has been determined in the legal regulations, provided that it has been voluntarily recognized or proven in a legal proceeding, the plaintiff (ex-worker) being the party required to prove that assertion, which is complicated given the circumstances in which a dismissal is made. Hence, the objective in this paper was to determine who should correspond in a legal process to prove the existence or not of an untimely dismissal. Theoretical and empirical methods were used, the results of which in the city of Santo Domingo showed that of the cases resolved in 2017, 89% could not prove the existence of untimely dismissal and the surveys carried out by legal professionals. 90% said that there should be a reversal of burden of proof to the employer to prove the inexistence of untimely dismissal. Based on this, it was concluded that it is necessary to implement the reversal of the burden of proof on the inexistence of untimely dismissal in order to strengthen and allow workers to have fair access to their compensations and benefits, preventing the employer from taking advantage of them of the difficulty and limited evidence that the former worker has at his disposal at the time of termination of employment in an untimely manner.

    Keywords :

    Laboral Law , untimely dismissal , burden of proof, job issue , compensation , reversal of the burden of proof.


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    Cite This Article As :
    Calle, Cacpata. , , Gil. , Guanga, Enríquez. , Núñez, Castillo. Shifiting the Burden of Proof Regarding the Non-Existence of Unjustified Dismissal in Ecuador.. Journal of Social Problems Research, vol. , no. , 2023, pp. 25-34. DOI:
    Calle, C. , G. Guanga, E. Núñez, C. (2023). Shifiting the Burden of Proof Regarding the Non-Existence of Unjustified Dismissal in Ecuador.. Journal of Social Problems Research, (), 25-34. DOI:
    Calle, Cacpata. , Gil. Guanga, Enríquez. Núñez, Castillo. Shifiting the Burden of Proof Regarding the Non-Existence of Unjustified Dismissal in Ecuador.. Journal of Social Problems Research , no. (2023): 25-34. DOI:
    Calle, C. , , G. , Guanga, E. , Núñez, C. (2023) . Shifiting the Burden of Proof Regarding the Non-Existence of Unjustified Dismissal in Ecuador.. Journal of Social Problems Research , () , 25-34 . DOI:
    Calle C. , G. , Guanga E. , Núñez C. [2023]. Shifiting the Burden of Proof Regarding the Non-Existence of Unjustified Dismissal in Ecuador.. Journal of Social Problems Research. (): 25-34. DOI:
    Calle, C. , G. Guanga, E. Núñez, C. "Shifiting the Burden of Proof Regarding the Non-Existence of Unjustified Dismissal in Ecuador.," Journal of Social Problems Research, vol. , no. , pp. 25-34, 2023. DOI: