Volume 4 , Issue 1 , PP: 08-14, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Leny Cecilia C. Muñoz 1 * , Holman Steven S. Ramos 2 , Johanna R. Cabrera Granda 3
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JSPR.040101
What happens to the person who fulfills a sentence, and after months or years gets his freedom? How society receives this individual; we would be able to offer him work or opportunities to develop as a productive person to society and to the country. The role of the State has much to do with the issue, are the current governments fulfilling the rehabilitation of persons deprived of their liberty? By customs and ideologies, we have managed to stigmatize a former inmate; this person is seen as inferior in the social class, unable to reintegrate back into society, unable to work because we are invaded by distrust, since it is believed that who is sentenced to serve a sentence for different types of crimes Within a prison, it will leave with more perfection to commit a crime, so society acts with rejection, to provide an opportunity to the ex-prisoners. By statistics, it is known that prisons have become overcrowded, and that the current penitentiary system of Ecuador does not comply with the fundamental objectives of our Constitution, and is not attached to considering the person deprived of liberty as a vulnerable group and priority.
deprivation , freedom , seclusion , work opportunity.
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