Volume 3 , Issue 2 , PP: 33-36, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Clara E. Pozo Hernández 1 * , Edid Tatiana Mejía 2 , Edgar Toni V. Shagnay 3
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JSPR.030204
Abstract this research work was carried out in Tajamar Health Center. This work aims to develop educational strategies for the correlation of the value of anthropometry with the level of nutrition in children ages between 2 to 5. A descriptive, qualitative and quantitative and field study was carried out, using techniques such as; a survey to determine the level of knowledge of the mothers about identifying the nutritional state, growth, age development of their children. It was verified that there is an alimentary disorder in the children. 50% of the mothers cook more carbohydrates. Only 20% of the mothers state they send fruit to their children in their lunch boxes. It was identified that the risk factors are the high consumption of junk food (55%). The lack of physical activity is a cause of the high level of alimentary disorders. Some educational talks were given to the mothers. Mothers were encouraged to perform physical activity. A healthy eating guide was distributed to the mothers as well. Finally, a series of recommendations to improve the lifestyle of each child and the family itself were lectured.
nutrition , anthropometry , eating habits , quality of life  ,   ,
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