Volume 3 , Issue 1 , PP: 08-16, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Sara Ximena Guerrón 1 * , Yadira N. Almeida Montenegro 2
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JSPR.030101
This article is a research product was made in the Alejandro Rafael Mera Educational Unit, which aimed to implement a program for teachers and parents to prevent sexual abuse in children of that institution. Quali-quantitative research was carried out; Data was observed and collected through a survey directed at teachers and parents to determine the level of knowledge they possessed regarding sexual abuse. When carrying out the investigation, a high percentage of parents and teachers who know about child sexual abuse was found, but it is very alarming to know that there are still many cases of sexual abuse, which allows us to identify that they are not transmitting knowledge. towards children and adolescents on the subject, so that this problem can be avoided, which is considered to be a current issue of Public Health and which is one of the worst forms of violence against children and adolescents, for which it was considered necessary the application of the program for the prevention of sexual abuse and what better if it could be applied in teachers and parents to intervene in the family and educational contexts. Finally, research through the implementation of the program aimed at teachers and parents for the prevention of sexual abuse in children and adolescents, it could be concluded that through preventive strategies as part of the current Health model, participants identify the main risk factors, the consequences, the most appropriate prevention measures for child sexual abuse, committing to transmit the information to their children assuming a leading, active and conscious role in the prevention of sexual abuse.
sexual abuse
prevention strategies
mental health
mental health in childhood.
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