Volume 1 , Issue 2 , PP: 35-41, 2022 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article
Janneth X. Iglesias Quintana 1 * , Milton Jiménez Montenegro 2 , M. E. Machado Maliza 3 , Ximena Cangas Oña 4
Doi: https://doi.org/10.54216/JSPR.010204
Humanity has struggled for its conservation over time, from the conception stage the child girl has had a primordial attention, so nowadays she has been subjected to several sociological and ethical studies about the legal interruption of life in Latin American countries in recent years has introduced to their legislation the possibility of decriminalizing abortion, so justifying that the termination of pregnancy is not threatening life because the product that is in the womb is a fetus not considered yet person, from when a human being is considered to have life or since when is its origin ?, Some scholars indicate from its conception others since its birth, but the most successful is that life is formed from its conception, has its rights recognized in treaties and international conventions, Constitution of the Republic, organic laws, ordinary laws. The objective of the research is to identify the legal contradiction that exists in the bills of the decriminalization of abortion and the constitutional norm that protects the right to life from its conception. The research carried out was based on the application of logical historical methods, inductive deductive, synthetic analytical, having as objective the present, to determine if legally the project presented to decriminalize abortion in Ecuador is consistent with the Ecuadorian constitutional norm.
Right to Life , comprehensive protection , Abortion , decriminalization.
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