Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology

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Volume 1 , Issue 1 , PP: 49-56, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Impact of the Development Digital Economy on the Socio-Economic Development of Uzbekistan

Shadmanov E. Sherkulovich 1 * , Bakieva I. Abdushukrovna 2 , Shermukhamedov B. Usmonovich 3 , Tashkent institute of finance, Uzbekistan 4

  • 1 Public Security University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan - (
  • 2 Tashkent institute of finance, Uzbekistan - (
  • 3 Tashkent institute of finance, Uzbekistan - (
  • 4 Tashkent institute of finance, Uzbekistan - (
  • Doi:


    In the article contribution of practical program actions of higher management bodies aimed at creating a techno-digital platform of economic development to the transition to a new economy is studied. The essence of the digital economy is the revolutionary changes in digital technologies, the emergence of innovations such as the computerization of industrial design and the modeling of the design readiness of production, the creation of the project of products with a high level of complexity, for example, machine tools, cars, trains, airplanes, buildings, etc. based on the possibilities of facilitation. The emergence and implementation of new digital technologies in Uzbekistan, the formation of new markets for the national economy.

    Keywords :

    digital economy , digital technology , e-government , power grid , innovative growth , population standard , industrial technology , logistics goods supply chain.



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    Cite This Article As :
    E., Shadmanov. , I., Bakieva. , B., Shermukhamedov. , institute, Tashkent. Impact of the Development Digital Economy on the Socio-Economic Development of Uzbekistan. Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology, vol. , no. , 2023, pp. 49-56. DOI:
    E., S. I., B. B., S. institute, T. (2023). Impact of the Development Digital Economy on the Socio-Economic Development of Uzbekistan. Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology, (), 49-56. DOI:
    E., Shadmanov. I., Bakieva. B., Shermukhamedov. institute, Tashkent. Impact of the Development Digital Economy on the Socio-Economic Development of Uzbekistan. Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology , no. (2023): 49-56. DOI:
    E., S. , I., B. , B., S. , institute, T. (2023) . Impact of the Development Digital Economy on the Socio-Economic Development of Uzbekistan. Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology , () , 49-56 . DOI:
    E. S. , I. B. , B. S. , institute T. [2023]. Impact of the Development Digital Economy on the Socio-Economic Development of Uzbekistan. Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology. (): 49-56. DOI:
    E., S. I., B. B., S. institute, T. "Impact of the Development Digital Economy on the Socio-Economic Development of Uzbekistan," Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology, vol. , no. , pp. 49-56, 2023. DOI: