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Volume 1 , Issue 1 , PP: 19-30, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Tax Management Research, Bibliometric Analysis Using Keywords and Abstracts

Sonia Elizabeth Ramos-Medina 1 *

  • 1 Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa (México) / Universidad de Salamanca (Spain) - (
  • Doi:


    The challenges derived from tax operations in different jurisdictions make the management of tax obligations increasingly complex. Taking this into account, a bibliometric analysis is proposed to shed light on the content of the publications from a word analysis to identify research topics in a set of publications and establish relationships between concepts. The findings show a dominance of two large clearly segmented clusters: on the one hand, multinational companies trying to better manage their profits; and on the other, the Tax Agency trying to avoid tax evasion at all costs.

    Keywords :

    Tax management , Multinational Companies , Portfolio Choice , Tax Evasion.


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    Elizabeth, Sonia. Tax Management Research, Bibliometric Analysis Using Keywords and Abstracts. Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology, vol. , no. , 2023, pp. 19-30. DOI:
    Elizabeth, S. (2023). Tax Management Research, Bibliometric Analysis Using Keywords and Abstracts. Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology, (), 19-30. DOI:
    Elizabeth, Sonia. Tax Management Research, Bibliometric Analysis Using Keywords and Abstracts. Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology , no. (2023): 19-30. DOI:
    Elizabeth, S. (2023) . Tax Management Research, Bibliometric Analysis Using Keywords and Abstracts. Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology , () , 19-30 . DOI:
    Elizabeth S. [2023]. Tax Management Research, Bibliometric Analysis Using Keywords and Abstracts. Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology. (): 19-30. DOI:
    Elizabeth, S. "Tax Management Research, Bibliometric Analysis Using Keywords and Abstracts," Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Technology, vol. , no. , pp. 19-30, 2023. DOI: