International Journal of Advances in Applied Computational Intelligence

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Volume 2 , Issue 2 , PP: 27-36, 2022 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Car Sharing Station Choice by using Interval Valued Neutrosophic WASPAS Method

Ahmed Abdelaziz 1 * , Alia N. Mahmoud Nova 2

  • 1 Information Management School, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1070-312, Lisboa, Portugal - (
  • 2 Information Management School, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1070-312, Lisboa, Portugal - (
  • Doi:

    Received: June 20, 2022 Accepted: December 26, 2022

    Adding car-sharing to existing public transit options is a great idea. However, finding the right location for a car-sharing station is difficult. The car-sharing station choice has many conflicting criteria, so the multi-criteria decision-making idea is used to deal with various conflict criteria. The process of choosing a suitable car-sharing station is containing vague and imprecise information. So, the neutrosophic set (NS) is used to overcome this problem. This paper introduced a framework consisting of the weighted aggregated sum product assessment (WASPAS) method with the NS. The WASPAS is an MCDM method. The WASPAS is used to compute the importance of criteria and the importance of alternatives. The WASPAS is a hybrid with interval-valued neutrosophic sets (IVNS). The suggested framework is applied to select car-sharing stations. This paper can help decision-makers in selecting the location to install a car sharing station.

    Keywords :

    WASPAS Method , Interval Valued Neutrosophic Set , Car Sharing , Site Selection , MCDM.


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    Cite This Article As :
    Abdelaziz, Ahmed. , N., Alia. Car Sharing Station Choice by using Interval Valued Neutrosophic WASPAS Method. International Journal of Advances in Applied Computational Intelligence, vol. , no. , 2022, pp. 27-36. DOI:
    Abdelaziz, A. N., A. (2022). Car Sharing Station Choice by using Interval Valued Neutrosophic WASPAS Method. International Journal of Advances in Applied Computational Intelligence, (), 27-36. DOI:
    Abdelaziz, Ahmed. N., Alia. Car Sharing Station Choice by using Interval Valued Neutrosophic WASPAS Method. International Journal of Advances in Applied Computational Intelligence , no. (2022): 27-36. DOI:
    Abdelaziz, A. , N., A. (2022) . Car Sharing Station Choice by using Interval Valued Neutrosophic WASPAS Method. International Journal of Advances in Applied Computational Intelligence , () , 27-36 . DOI:
    Abdelaziz A. , N. A. [2022]. Car Sharing Station Choice by using Interval Valued Neutrosophic WASPAS Method. International Journal of Advances in Applied Computational Intelligence. (): 27-36. DOI:
    Abdelaziz, A. N., A. "Car Sharing Station Choice by using Interval Valued Neutrosophic WASPAS Method," International Journal of Advances in Applied Computational Intelligence, vol. , no. , pp. 27-36, 2022. DOI: