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Volume 2 , Issue 2 , PP: 41-48, 2023 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Strengthening Values in Uniandes Puyo University Students

Mauricio Amat Abreu 1 * , Dunia Cruz Velázquez 2

  • 1 UNIANDES. Puyo. Cel. 0982327042. - (
  • 2 UNIANDES. Puyo. Cel. 0995142151. - (
  • Doi:

    Received: August 25, 2022 Accepted: March 17, 2023

    The formation of values ​​has been a constant concern of humanity in the course of history through different theoretical positions and nowadays it has become a dilemma of vital importance for the education of the new generations, manifesting itself in a crisis of values ​​in some spheres of society. The objective of the research was to develop educational strategies to strengthen the value systems linked to morality, expressed in the interests and motivations of university students pursuing the Accounting Audit and Business Administration careers through the subjects received and their link with the social reality, in Uniandes Puyo extension, offering from its learning axiological sources such as friendship, moral ethics, generosity, solidarity, honesty, responsibility, respect, tolerance and cooperation. The study was developed on a descriptive basis, using methods, techniques and instruments, documentary analysis, interview, survey and direct observation. In conclusion the proposal, contributed to strengthen the integral formation and values ​​of the students.

    Keywords :

    values ​​formation , educational strategies , value systems


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    Cite This Article As :
    Amat, Mauricio. , Cruz, Dunia. Strengthening Values in Uniandes Puyo University Students. Journal of Social Problems Research, vol. , no. , 2023, pp. 41-48. DOI:
    Amat, M. Cruz, D. (2023). Strengthening Values in Uniandes Puyo University Students. Journal of Social Problems Research, (), 41-48. DOI:
    Amat, Mauricio. Cruz, Dunia. Strengthening Values in Uniandes Puyo University Students. Journal of Social Problems Research , no. (2023): 41-48. DOI:
    Amat, M. , Cruz, D. (2023) . Strengthening Values in Uniandes Puyo University Students. Journal of Social Problems Research , () , 41-48 . DOI:
    Amat M. , Cruz D. [2023]. Strengthening Values in Uniandes Puyo University Students. Journal of Social Problems Research. (): 41-48. DOI:
    Amat, M. Cruz, D. "Strengthening Values in Uniandes Puyo University Students," Journal of Social Problems Research, vol. , no. , pp. 41-48, 2023. DOI: