International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science

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Volume 2 , Issue 1 , PP: 22-38, 2019 | Cite this article as | XML | PDF | Full Length Article

BIM Implementation Maturity Level and Proposed Approach for the Upgrade in Lithuania

Natalija Lepkova 1 * , Rana Maya 2 , Sonia Ahmed 3 , Vaidotas Šarka 4

  • 1 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania - (
  • 2 Tishreen University, Syria - (
  • 3 BIMarabia, Czech Republic - (
  • 4 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania - (
  • Doi:


    Recently, Building information modelling (BIM) proves its capability to solve the raised AEC industry issues. Therefore, several countries and entities pursue to transform into BIM especially the developed countries. Lithuania as a European country has a great challenge to cap up with the surrounding environment to implement BIM. This study aims to determine the BIM maturity levels in Lithuania and supposed the missed steps to upgrade to the next level. Eighteen important Lithuanian construction projects awarded the most successful implementing BIM are chosen as a case study. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with several BIM experts whose work at the chosen projects. The analysis conducted by the most effective theoretical model entitled BIM Maturity Matrix (BIMM). The key findings of this research that Lithuania reached the BIM implementing maturity level 2 while some projects still at level 1 that proves the ability of Lithuanian AEC industry to softly and completely transfer the maturity to level 2 by the recommendation provided through the proposed approach at the end of the paper. These results provide a stunning opportunity to improve the AEC project performance and reap the benefits of implementing BIM. Future studies can develop a framework to improve the BIM implementation in Lithuania softly.

    Keywords :

    BIM , BIM maturity model , BIM stages , implementation maturity


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    Cite This Article As :
    Lepkova, Natalija. , Maya, Rana. , Ahmed, Sonia. , Šarka, Vaidotas. BIM Implementation Maturity Level and Proposed Approach for the Upgrade in Lithuania. International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science, vol. , no. , 2019, pp. 22-38. DOI:
    Lepkova, N. Maya, R. Ahmed, S. Šarka, V. (2019). BIM Implementation Maturity Level and Proposed Approach for the Upgrade in Lithuania. International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science, (), 22-38. DOI:
    Lepkova, Natalija. Maya, Rana. Ahmed, Sonia. Šarka, Vaidotas. BIM Implementation Maturity Level and Proposed Approach for the Upgrade in Lithuania. International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science , no. (2019): 22-38. DOI:
    Lepkova, N. , Maya, R. , Ahmed, S. , Šarka, V. (2019) . BIM Implementation Maturity Level and Proposed Approach for the Upgrade in Lithuania. International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science , () , 22-38 . DOI:
    Lepkova N. , Maya R. , Ahmed S. , Šarka V. [2019]. BIM Implementation Maturity Level and Proposed Approach for the Upgrade in Lithuania. International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science. (): 22-38. DOI:
    Lepkova, N. Maya, R. Ahmed, S. Šarka, V. "BIM Implementation Maturity Level and Proposed Approach for the Upgrade in Lithuania," International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science, vol. , no. , pp. 22-38, 2019. DOI: