Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things

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Volume 5 , Volume 1 , PP: 49-67, 2021 | Cite this article as | XML | PDF | Full Length Article

Authentication and Encryption of IoT Devices Based on Elliptic Curves: A survey

Ali E. Takieldeen 1 , Fahmi Khalifa 2 *

  • 1 Faculty of Engineering, Hours University, Damietta, Egypt - (
  • 2 Electronics and Communications Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University Mansoura Dakahlyis 35516, Egypt - (
  • Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5301587

    Received: March 02, 2021 Accepted: July 22, 2021

    With the progressive development of a wide range of applications that interconnect things, internet of things (IoT) become an imperative required trend by industries and academicians. IoT allows these things to be remotely accessed or controlled depending on internet protocol (IP) networks. This technology increases accuracy and efficiency of the tasks relied on, also facilitate daily people life. The huge applications domain infrastructure which depends on IoT, requires a trusted connection to guarantee a security and privacy while transferring data. IoT Privacy insurance essentially encounter many challenges to apply effective authentication protocols and procedures due to heterogeneous and dynamic nature. A lot of researches and theses have offered multiple ways for data authentication schemes depending on the underlying system architecture and a treatment to the security breaching problem caused by flaws and weak points in previous schemes.  This paper provides complete and up-to-date review of lightweight cryptography for IoT authentication based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). ECC has many advantages if compared with other cryptographic systems. It is ideal to be implemented in most IoT devices specially in resource constrained devices with optimum implementation. That has been accomplished through delving into schemes with detailed explanation to guide future researchers in IoT lightweight authentication field. Furthermore, a comparison was performed with the proposals presented in the study to identify the considerations to design lightweight ECC scheme.

    Keywords :

    Cryptography, Elliptic Curve, Internet of Things, Authentication, and Security analysis



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    Cite This Article As :
    E., Ali. , Khalifa, Fahmi. Authentication and Encryption of IoT Devices Based on Elliptic Curves: A survey. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things, vol. , no. , 2021, pp. 49-67. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5301587
    E., A. Khalifa, F. (2021). Authentication and Encryption of IoT Devices Based on Elliptic Curves: A survey. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things, (), 49-67. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5301587
    E., Ali. Khalifa, Fahmi. Authentication and Encryption of IoT Devices Based on Elliptic Curves: A survey. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things , no. (2021): 49-67. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5301587
    E., A. , Khalifa, F. (2021) . Authentication and Encryption of IoT Devices Based on Elliptic Curves: A survey. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things , () , 49-67 . DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5301587
    E. A. , Khalifa F. [2021]. Authentication and Encryption of IoT Devices Based on Elliptic Curves: A survey. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things. (): 49-67. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5301587
    E., A. Khalifa, F. "Authentication and Encryption of IoT Devices Based on Elliptic Curves: A survey," Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things, vol. , no. , pp. 49-67, 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5301587