Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things

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Volume 11 , Issue 2 , PP: 111-128, 2024 | Cite this article as | XML | Html | PDF | Full Length Article

Design, Simulation and Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Multiple Access (MDMA) Schemes Using MATLAB for Quality of Service (QoS) Enhancement

Ishwarlal Rathod 1 * , Ankit Saxena 2

  • 1 Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences Indore, (M.P), India - (
  • 2 Medi-caps University Indore (M.P), India - (
  • Doi:

    Received: August 23, 2023, Revised: December 17, 2023 Accepted: January 29, 2024

    To provide better Quality of Service (QoS), which is expected in contemporary 6G wireless networks. We project a MDMA scheme to fulfill UE-specific QoS needs with the aid of multi-dimensional radio resource cost. This method can be successfully called Multi-Dimensional Radio Resource Allocation (MDRA). Specifically, the planned scheme incorporates two novel aspects: for each UE, the choice of user-specific non-orthogonal multiple approach mode whose cost is determined by UE-specific non-orthogonal interference cancellation; and allocating multiple dimensional radio resources for co-existing UEs in dynamic network environment. To reduce the costs of using UE-specific resources, the BS mounts UEs with diverse multi-domain resources. Specific to each UE coalition by taking into consideration restrictions such as the availability of resources, the perceived quality of those resources, and the possibility for use. Every UE that is a part of the coalition has access to the radio resources that it needs, which helps to lower the costs of use while preventing resource-sharing disputes with the other nodes in the coalition. Furthermore, the allocation of multi-dimensional radio resources among co-existing user equipment makes it possible to solve the issue of maximizing the sum of cost-conscious utility. This is done to fulfil UE-specific quality of service needs as well as varied resource circumstances on the user equipment side. The gradient convexity with low complexity approximation and the Lagrange double decomposition approach are used in the development of the solution to this NP-hard issue. The efficacy of the system that we have presented is shown via the use of numerical simulations and a comparison of its performance with that of other methods.

    Keywords :

    6G , Multidimensional Multiple Access , Individual QoS provisioning , Resource Utilization Cost.


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    Cite This Article As :
    Rathod, Ishwarlal. , Saxena, Ankit. Design, Simulation and Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Multiple Access (MDMA) Schemes Using MATLAB for Quality of Service (QoS) Enhancement. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things, vol. , no. , 2024, pp. 111-128. DOI:
    Rathod, I. Saxena, A. (2024). Design, Simulation and Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Multiple Access (MDMA) Schemes Using MATLAB for Quality of Service (QoS) Enhancement. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things, (), 111-128. DOI:
    Rathod, Ishwarlal. Saxena, Ankit. Design, Simulation and Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Multiple Access (MDMA) Schemes Using MATLAB for Quality of Service (QoS) Enhancement. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things , no. (2024): 111-128. DOI:
    Rathod, I. , Saxena, A. (2024) . Design, Simulation and Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Multiple Access (MDMA) Schemes Using MATLAB for Quality of Service (QoS) Enhancement. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things , () , 111-128 . DOI:
    Rathod I. , Saxena A. [2024]. Design, Simulation and Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Multiple Access (MDMA) Schemes Using MATLAB for Quality of Service (QoS) Enhancement. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things. (): 111-128. DOI:
    Rathod, I. Saxena, A. "Design, Simulation and Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Multiple Access (MDMA) Schemes Using MATLAB for Quality of Service (QoS) Enhancement," Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things, vol. , no. , pp. 111-128, 2024. DOI: