International Journal of Neutrosophic Science IJNS 2690-6805 2692-6148 10.54216/IJNS 2020 2020 Plithogenic Cubic Sets Dept of Mathematics, Nirmala College for Women, India admin admin Dept of Mathematics, Nirmala College for Women, India F. Nirmala .. Dept. Math and Sciences, University of New Mexico, Gallup, NM, USA F. Smarandache  In this article, using the concepts of cubic set and plithogenic set, the ideas of  plithogenic fuzzy cubic set, plithogenic intuitionistic fuzzy cubic set, Plithogenic neutrosophic cubic set are introduced and its corresponding internal and external cubic sets are discussed with examples. Primary properties of the Plithogenic neutrosophic cubic sets were also discussed.This concept is extremely suitable for addressing problems involving multiple attribute decision making as this plithogenic neutrosophic set are described by four or more value of attributes and the accuracy of the result is also so precise.   2020 2020 30 38 10.54216/IJNS.0110103