Fusion: Practice and Applications FPA 2692-4048 2770-0070 10.54216/FPA https://www.americaspg.com/journals/show/3450 2018 2018 A System of Human Biometric-Fusion Authentication Security Improvement Using Hybrid Technique University of Mustansiriya, College of Art, Baghdad, Iraq admin admin Renewable Energy Research Center, University of Anbar, Ramadi, Iraq Azmi Shawkat Abdulbaqi The collected information from the environment in WSN continuously sends from one node to another until it reaches the main collector or server, where processing is done. The transferred data volume will be greater when the network grows. Medical images will also contribute to network traffic. To alleviate this challenge, this research has developed an interlayer transmission protocol for WSNs. This protocol uses the construction of medical images with pixel-based data. In the analysis, a gray-scale medical image 512x512 in size, provided by Brain, is utilized. The image was compressed by the protocol from 256 KB to 192 KB with a percentage of 25%. As a result, the structural similarity index measure showed the SSIM at 51.1365, while the PSNR is at 0.9976; therefore, the quality of the medical image remains unchanged. The protocol uses the AES encryption method for strong data protection to improve security during transmission. Results show that this protocol reduces data transmission in WSNs by 12.5 to 25% without affecting the integrity of the medical image, which is indicative of the efficiency of the protocol in enhancing network performance while ensuring data safety. 2025 2025 66 75 10.54216/FPA.180106 https://www.americaspg.com/articleinfo/3/show/3450