Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management JCIM 2690-6775 2769-7851 10.54216/JCIM 2019 2019 Improved Security in Cloud Computer Networks Using RNN Deep Learning Techniques Civil Engineering Department, University of Technology-Iraq, Baghdad, 10066, Iraq Alaa Alaa DoS (denial of service) attacks address a remarkable new risk to cloud services and can really hurt cloud providers and their clients. DoS attacks can similarly achieve lost pay and security vulnerabilities due to system crashes, service power outages, and data breaks. Regardless, despite the fact that machine learning methods are the subject of assessment to distinguish DoS attacks, there has not been a ton of progress around here. In like manner, additional investigation is expected around here to make the best models for perceiving DoS attacks in cloud conditions. This change is proposed to search for a significant convolutional generative-arranged network as a significant learning model given further creating DoS attacks in the cloud. A proposed model of significant learning organizations (RNN) is used to fathom the spatiotemporal objects of organization traffic data, hence tracking down different models that show DoS attacks. Plus, to make RNN-LSTM all the more obvious for defending against attacks, it is acquired from a broad assortment of organization opportunity data. In addition, the model is dealt with by in reverse joint exertion and stochastic slope drop is the way into the current effortlessness of scaling among clear and saw traffic volumes. Test results show that the proposed model beats the latest particular attacks, relies upon denial of service, and undoubtedly shows misleading positive results.   2025 2025 365 384 10.54216/JCIM.150129