Neutrosophic and Information Fusion NIF 2836-7863 10.54216/NIF 2023 2023 The basis number of connected vertex-disjoint graphs Jadavpur University, Department Of Mathematics, Kolkata, India Barbara Barbara The basis number b (G) of a graph G is defined to be the smallest positive integer k such that G has a k-fold basis for its cycle space. We try to find an upper bound for b (G_1+G_2+G_3+G_4). We prove that, if G_1,G_2,G_3 and G_4 are connected vertex-disjoint graphs and each has a spanning tree of vertex degree not more than 4, then b(G_1+G_2+G_3+G_4)≤max{4,b(G_1)+1,b(G_2)+2,b(G_3) +2,b (G_4)+1}. The basis number of quadruple join of paths will be studied, where we prove that b p_m+ p_n+p_p+p_t) =4, ∀m,t≥5  and n,p≥6. 2024 2024 01 05 10.54216/NIF.040101