Prospects for Applied Mathematics and Data Analysis PAMDA 2836-4449 10.54216/PAMDA 2022 2022 Studying the isotherm of the complementary Schaefer Ignaczak thermodynamical process of the first plane state of elastic strains for the unbounded micropolar body-Fourier Schaefer-Ignaczak formulas PHD Student. Department of Mathematics, Albaath University, Homs, Syria Kheder Kheder Mountajab Al-Hasan, Prof. Department of Mathematics, Albaath University, Homs, Syria Mountajab Al Al-Hasan Department of Mathematics, Albaath University, Homs, Syria Monir Makhlouf This paper concerns the Ignaczak stress-temperature distribution [2] of the homogenous isotropic 2D micropolar thermodynamical in the first plane state of elastic strain, which discussed by Eringen [9] and Nowacki [8]. In [1] we provide this problem with new analytical method called Schaefer-Ignaczak method. In the paper, we do the following; We prove that the complementary Schaefer-Ignaczak process is an isothermal process for infinite 2D (E-N:5) [6,8], with no stresses and temperature at infinity, and then we find the related Fourier Schaefer-Ignaczak formulas [1] for the classical and complementary behavior of a two-dimensional infinite body (E-N:5), which is a micropolar body. 2023 2023 08 20 10.54216/PAMDA.030101