Prospects for Applied Mathematics and Data Analysis PAMDA 2836-4449 10.54216/PAMDA 2022 2022 Some Important Theories about Duality and the Economic Interpretation of Neutrosophic Linear Models and Their Dual Models Faculty of Science, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria Maissam Jdid The essence of operations research is focused on creating and using models. The first step is to create the model, which requires a set of data that is determined from the aspects of the real system that the model must represent. The model is an acceptable model if it achieves the purpose for which it was formulated, and since programming issues linearity is concerned with allocating scarce resources, including labor, machinery, and capital, and using them in the best possible way, such that costs are reduced to a minimum or profits are maximized, by choosing the optimal decision from several available options. Since linear models are used in many fields, it was necessary to prepare studies that meet the needs of decision makers who have made solutions to linear programming problems a safe haven for them. The duality theory is considered one of the most important linear programming theories because it is used in many fields and is relied upon in the economic interpretation of the content of linear models. It provides a comprehensive study of the system represented by the linear model and its dual model. In this research, we present a study of the theory of neutrosophic dual and its economic interpretation by presenting a set of theorems that can be relied upon in explaining the results of solving both the original neutrosophic models and their dual. 2023 2023 27 33 10.54216/PAMDA.020203