International Journal of Neutrosophic Science IJNS 2690-6805 2692-6148 10.54216/IJNS 2020 2020 Rework Warehouse Inventory Model for Product Distribution with Quality Conservation in Neutrosophic Environment Department of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai-625021, Tamil Nadu, India Renee Miriam. M. Department of Mathematics, Arul Anandar College (Autonomous), Karumathur, Madurai-625514, Tamil Nadu, India Nivetha Martin Department of Management, PSNA College of Education and Technology, Dindigul-624622, Tamil Nadu, India Aleeswari. A. Laboratory of Information Processing, Faculty of Science Ben M’Sik, University of Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco & Regional Center for the Professions of Education and Training (C.R.M.E.F), Casablanca, Morocco. Said Broumi In general, companies are investing a lot of energy and time in conserving the quality of the products. The customers use the attribute of quality as the measuring index of the efficiency of these companies. Quality sustenance is not a phase, but it is a process which must be carried out till the product reaches the end consumer. This is possible by expanding the mechanisms of quality conservation to the spheres of product distribution in addition to product production. In view of it, this research work develops an inventory model with the idea of rework warehouse for the first time. The model formulated in this paper is discussed in a crisp sense and later extended to neutrosophic environments with the intention of making it more accommodative to various business constraints. The numerical example presented in this paper substantiates the proposed model with the application of Particle Swarm optimization. Sensitivity analysis is made with modifications with the changes of crisp and neutrosophic parameters. The model introduced in this work supports decision makers in deriving optimal solutions to the inventory problem associated with quality constraints and this work shall also be extended with the inclusion of other cost parameters, assumptions and constraints associated with product distribution.  2023 2023 177 195 10.54216/IJNS.210215